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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/22 in all areas

  1. HelpNDoc's generated HTML is context sensitive so it can be opened from any application or web-site. See: https://www.helpndoc.com/news-and-articles/2021-04-07-context-sensitive-html-help-and-url-aliases-for-help-topics-in-your-html-documentation-web-sites/ The generated CHM are standard Windows CHM help files which can be opened from any Windows application, including Delphi. See: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Calling_HTML_Help_from_Applications
  2. Ravil

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    Hi. I just install version 1.3.8024 and now amResourceModuleBuider is not working. Previous version (I believe 1.1) was woking. This is my code: c:\Projects\TestOfficePro\tMakerWin>amResourceModuleBuilder.exe c:\Projects\TestOfficePro\tMakerWin\tmakerWin32.xlat -v -b amTranslationManager resource module builder version Loading project: tmakerWin32... Project information: Source file : c:\Projects\TestOfficePro\tMakerWin\Win32\Release\tmaker.exe Source Language: Locale=0409, Name=Английский (США) Symbol file : c:\Projects\TestOfficePro\tMakerWin\Win32\Release\tmaker.drc Target language: Translated= 786, Locale=0419, Name=Русский (Россия) Target language: Translated= 0, Locale=0427, Name=Литовский (Литва) Modules : 64 Items : 4 171 Properties : 5 651 Error: Source file not found: In GUI I can build all languages. Also, in GUI version when I press "Locate source..." button it's nothing happens. Regards, Ravil.
  3. Roger Cigol

    Frequent and/or annoying typos you make while coding

    I find this all reassuring - all it really means is that we are all human. Which reminds me, I need to stop and go and cook the evening meal.....
  4. corneliusdavid

    Frequent and/or annoying typos you make while coding

    This is a great feature--I've used it both for proof-reading and for simple keyboard macro expansion (before Live Templates). Using GExpert's Code Proofreader or Delphi's Live Templates, you can either auto-correct your most common misspellings or set up small keyboard macros to do the typing for you. For example, instead of typing "length" you could type "lg" and it would be expanded to "length" for you. I misspell "string" a lot and so set up "sg" to type it out for me. This productivity trick saves a lot of time--I blogged about it a few months ago: https://corneliusconcepts.tech/delphi-productivity-tips-live-templates
  5. Achim Kalwa

    Class Completion

    Yes, there is "DDevExtension" by Andreas Hausladen. That IDE plugin has an option to disable the alpha-sort class completion (and much more valuable stuff): For Delphi 2009...10.4.2 you can download this plugin form Andreas' blog: https://www.idefixpack.de/ For Delphi 11 there is a fork on Github: https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/DDevExtensions/releases