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  1. GP_23

    Looking for a forum is this it?

    One thing to keep in mind is that there is a lot more information on how to use GUI stuff for Delphi than for C++Builder. However it is very easy to convert and sometimes there is no conversion necessary if it is just adding and connecting things in the design mode. So don't be afraid to check the Delphi sections of this forum out as well as using the "Delphi" tag when searching online for how to solve issues. Your potential reach for help is bigger than it first appears.
  2. 357mag

    Looking for a forum is this it?

    Okay Thank You for the replies. I think the only way I could ever write GUI programs using C++ is if I used C++ Builder. Every time I looked at Visual C++ code I was horrified at how different it looked and it also looked way too complex.
  3. programmerdelphi2k

    Interface Reference counting

    as you want "have" a obj-reference in your function( var XXXX ):boolean.... you should use function( out XXXX):boolean; the scope should be the same then "var definition" on caller procedure!!! if "the var is LOCAL (into proceudre) then the life is local", else if the var is "unit-GLOBAL", then, the obj is alive while unit is alive. unit uMyInterfX; interface type IMyInterfX = interface ['{AE871A32-4B6A-4E4B-B825-92B762493D3F}'] function Hello(AValue: string = ''): string; function HelloObj(out MyObjOUT: IMyInterfX): boolean; end; TMyClassX = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyInterfX) private public function Hello(AValue: string = ''): string; function HelloObj(out MyObjOUT: IMyInterfX): boolean; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils; { TMyClassX } function TMyClassX.Hello(AValue: string = ''): string; begin result := 'Hello World: ' + AValue + ' ref-Counting: (' + Self.RefCount.ToString + ') '; end; function TMyClassX.HelloObj(out MyObjOUT: IMyInterfX): boolean; begin result := false; // try MyObjOUT := TMyClassX.Create; // created locally, but will be refereced in "caller Obj"-scope!! result := true; except // ? end; end; end. var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uMyInterfX; var LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit: IMyInterfX; LObjGlobal : IMyInterfX; procedure MyOtherProc(const AObj: IMyInterfX); begin if (AObj <> nil) then ShowMessage(AObj.Hello(' AObj from MyOtherProc')); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure: IMyInterfX; LObj : IMyInterfX; // local obj interfaced but will created into "TMyClass interfaced" ... it is gone too! LObj2 : IMyInterfX; begin LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure := TMyClassX.Create; // ...try ShowMessage(LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure.Hello + ' LMyInterfXLOCALForUnit'); // finally // ...LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure.FREE; // does not works in Interfaced object!!! // ...end; // if LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure.HelloObj(LObj) and (LObj <> nil) then ShowMessage(LObj.Hello(' from LObj (Local)')); // MyOtherProc(LObj); LObj2 := LObj; MyOtherProc(LObj); // // LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit := TMyClassX.Create; // ShowMessage(LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure.Hello + ' LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit'); // if LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit.HelloObj(LObjGlobal) and (LObjGlobal <> nil) then ShowMessage(LObjGlobal.Hello(' from LObj (Global)')); // // summary: // LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure is done when this procedure out-of-scope // LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit still alive same that this procedure is out-of-scope... until unit is gone! end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var LObj2: IMyInterfX; begin // ShowMessage(LMyInterfXLOCALForProcedure.Hello + ' LMyInterfXLOCALForUnit'); // not works because it's a LOCAL definition // if (LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit <> nil) then begin ShowMessage(LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit.Hello + ' LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit is alive'); // if (LObjGlobal <> nil) then ShowMessage(LObjGlobal.Hello(' Obj Global its alive ')) else ShowMessage('Obj Global is nil'); end else ShowMessage('LMyInterfXGLOBALForUnit is nil'); // MyOtherProc(LObjGlobal); LObj2 := LObjGlobal; MyOtherProc(LObjGlobal); end; initialization ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := true; end.
  4. aehimself

    IdSNTP library Delphi 10.3

    I'm sorry, but that command became my Achilles heel. Don't use it.