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  1. KodeZwerg

    bitmap is not displayed

    To correct you, your topic is "bitmap not displayed", very informative but anyway I've read, later we found out that you try to code in a non-Vcl style by doing many things wrong. So Remy and I spend our time to write you an example. While you say that you can not compile for whatever reason Remy's code you said nothing to mine. Anders was correcting mine so it will do what your initial problem was, it display a bitmap. (even without fixing it does work...) Why you insist to still use your wrong way of doing? Why you never use the </> button to put your code better readable in? Why am I replying to this topic anymore? Best of luck!
  2. 3ddark

    Simple ORM

    Delphi Simple ORM using ZeosDBO https://github.com/3ddark/delphi-orm-test Two different version. v2 supported actions function GetList(AClass: TClass; var AList: TArray<TTable>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; function GetListCustom(AClass: TClass; var AList: TArray<TTable>; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; function GetOne(ATable: TTable; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOneCustom(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOne(ATable: TTable; AID: Int64; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOneCustom(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AID: Int64; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function Insert(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function Update(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function CustomUpdate(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function DeleteBatch(AClass: TClass; AFilter: string; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function DeleteBatch(ATables: TArray<TTable>; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function Delete(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalSelect(AClass: TClass; var ATable: TTable; AFilter: string; ALock, AWithBegin, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessSelect: TBusinessSelectEvent): TEntityManager; virtual; function LogicalInsert(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessInsert: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalUpdate(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessUpdate: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalDelete(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessDelete: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; procedure Listen(ATableName: string); virtual; procedure Unlisten(ATableName: string); virtual; procedure Notify(ATableName: string); virtual; function IsAuthorized(ATableSourceCode: string; APermissionType: TPermissionType; APermissionCheck: Boolean; AShowException: Boolean=True): Boolean; procedure Start(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); procedure Commit(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); procedure Rollback(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); frmMain contain example for using methods
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Communication between Unicode and non-Unicode applications

    If you are using strictly ASCII characters only, then no. All of the default settings should suffice. But, if you are using any non-ASCII characters, then make sure both client and server agree on a common byte encoding on the wire, ie UTF-8. You can use the TIdIOHandler.DefStringEncoding property, or the AByteEncoding parameter on individual read/write methods. Indy will convert Unicode to wire encoding on writes, and from wire encoding to Unicode on reads. In the D2007 code, you should also tell Indy which encoding your AnsiString's are using, if different than the OS default. You can use the TIdIOHandler.DefAnsiEncoding property, or the ADestEncoding/ASrcEncoding parameter on individual read/write methods, respectively. Indy will convert ANSI to Unicode to wire encoding on writes, and from wire encoding to Unicode to ANSI on reads.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Communication between Unicode and non-Unicode applications

    You don't need to use RawToBytes() in this case. The TIdIOHandler.Write(string) method has an optional ADestEncoding parameter to specify the byte encoding on the wire, such as UTF-8 (the default is ASCII). You can alternatively use the TIdIOHandler.DefStringEncoding property. And, in pre-Unicode versions, Write() also has an optional ASrcEncoding parameter to specify the byte encoding of the input AnsiString (the default is the user's OS default). Or, you can alternatively use the TIdIOHandler.DefAnsiEncoding property.
  5. Markus Kinzler

    Airline phone number spam

    I locked them out agian, for now.
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    No Android Platform in Delphi 11.3

    Ok, try to uninstall the Android compiler, reboot and reinstall it, but if it doesn't work contact Embarcadero support https://www.embarcadero.com/support
  7. Martifan

    FMX Tabcontrol Tab Hight

    On mobile platforms like iOS and Android, setting the TabHeight property directly on the TabControl doesn't work as expected. The tab height is determined automatically based on the platform and controls used. Instead, to increase the tab height you need to modify the TabControl's style. Here are a couple options to try: Set the TabControl's StyleLookup property to 'tabcontrolstyle' and modify that style in the Styles Designer. Increase the height of the tab elements in the style. Clone the default TabControl style, give it a new name like 'TabControlStyleBig', and modify the tab height there. Then set your TabControl.StyleLookup to that new style name. Set the TabControl's Style property directly in code instead of using StyleLookup. Modify the Tab tabOffset and Tab tabHeight style elements. For example: TabControl1.Style.StyleElements := [seTab, seClient]; TabControl1.Style.SetElementStyle(TabControl1.Style.GetElement(seTab), [], [tsTabHeight, 70]); The key is that the tab height can't just be directly set on mobile - you have to go through the control's style. Check the documentation on TTabControlStyles and styling for more details.