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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/24 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    ActionList Editor: New Standard Action...

    Get a dog.
  2. ICS V9.2 has started the beta process, and can be downloaded from https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsv9/ or the overnight zip from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download or https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magics.asp This beta version of V9.2 adds a new feature release of OpenSSL 3.3.0 and fixes a number of bugs mostly introduced in V9.1, but also two long term HTTP URL in the client and server software where missing / delimiters could cause problems, and fixing server authentication issues with POST requests. Several others issues discussed on Delphi-Praxis are also fixed, but not all, yet. This beta also includes a new 'ICS Intermediate Short' SSL certificate to replace the one in V9.0 that has just expired, it is used by ICS to generate temporary server certificates to allow SSL servers to run until a Let's Encrypt or commercial certificate is installed. The OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ sample has various improvements to test authentication more thoroughly (the DDService version is not done yet). Only Delphi 10.41 and 10.42 (10.4 with updates 1 or 2) will install correctly with the new install packages, the original RTM version does not support the package LIB suffix: $(Auto) so you must change it manually for each package to 21.0. OpenSSL 3.3.0 is now the default in the OverbyteIcsDefs.inc file and the ICS-OpenSSL path, ICS does not use any of the new features (nor those in 3.1 or 3.2). Now that OpenSSL is more closely integrated with ICS, updating for security fixes will become more complicated, needing files in two or more directories to be updated. When OpenSSL does the next batch of security fix versions (scheduled quarterly), I'll generate a zip with all the new files and directories that can be extracted over an existing ICS installation with all the new files. Angus
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Select the entire procedure/function?

    Try Ctrl-Shift-K-T
  4. Stano

    Select the entire procedure/function?

    I collapse the function/procedure and so seemingly copy "just one" line.
  5. David Heffernan

    Ping-pong between two Application.ProcessMessages

    Yeah, use threads
  6. Have you tries with the SDK/NDK/JDK that are shipped with the Delphi originally? https://delphiworlds.com/2024/04/delphi-12-1-and-codex-2-2-released/ I think this might be critical, because of the deep changes in this Android tools and internals. I would recommend to stay with the original D12.1 setup and files in the first place, if there is no specific need to really upgade the SDK.
  7. Those few cycles mean nothing comparing to constructing the whole component over and over again. So this kind of safeguard can be easily implemented without having any negative side effects. The property itself could be left as-is, but initial value can be set in constructor depending on the thread ID value: FMultiThreaded := TThread.CurrentThread.ThreadID <> MainThreadID;