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Stefan Glienke

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Stefan Glienke last won the day on January 14

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2026 Excellent

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.1 Berlin

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  1. Stefan Glienke

    DevEx VCL Components & VCL Styles??

    There seems to be an adapter to apply VCLStyles to DevExpress components: https://www.almdev.com/prods/stylecontrols/stylecontrols.html - I have no experience with this but at some point we will have to look into this as customers keep asking for Dark mode in our application 😎 🙈
  2. Stefan Glienke

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    You are comparing Win32/Debug with Win64/Release *cough*
  3. Stefan Glienke

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Delphi developers.... one half still uses Delphi 7 and the other one does not even do 32-bit anymore
  4. Stefan Glienke

    CreateObservableList example in Spring4D

    All collections have events for getting notified of addition/removal via the OnChanged event - observable lists are something different. On those if the objects implement INotifyPropertyChanged they communicate to the list that a property has changed so the list then gets caChanged from those items.
  5. Most simple case to repro to compiler error: procedure X(i: Integer); begin end; procedure Y; begin var f: TFunc<Integer>; X(f); end;
  6. Stefan Glienke

    Get Index of enumeration in spring4D

  7. Stefan Glienke

    Get Index of enumeration in spring4D

    First of all, you can already achieve what you asked for in two different ways. (As I said, I will look into adding a similar method as .NET 9 did, but it's not as easy due to Delphi's limitations - it most likely will be a static method on TEnumerable and not on IEnumerable because it returns a differently typed IEnumerable, and that causes the Delphi compiler to complain with E2604.) Apart from the obvious use of a classic for-to loop if you already have an indexable collection such as IList where that new method IMHO would make no sense and just add overhead you can do this: var indexedColl := TEnumerable.Zip<Integer,TMyClass>(TEnumerable.Range(0, myColl.Count), myColl); for var curItem in indexedColl do Writeln('index: ', curItem.Value1, ' - item: ', curItem.Value2.ToString); If you want more control over index generation you can write this: var indexedColl := TEnumerable.Select<TMyClass, Tuple<Integer,TMyClass>>(myColl, function(const item: TMyClass; const index: Integer): Tuple<Integer,TMyClass> begin Result := Tuple<integer,TMyClass>.Create(index, item); end); for var curItem in indexedColl do Writeln('index: ', curItem.Value1, ' - item: ', curItem.Value2.ToString); If you then want to filter only certain indexes you just call Where on indexedColl: var oddIndexes := indexedColl.Where( function(const tuple: Tuple<Integer,TMyClass>): Boolean begin Result := Odd(tuple.Value1); end); for var curItem in oddIndexes do Writeln('index: ', curItem.Value1, ' - item: ', curItem.Value2.ToString);
  8. Stefan Glienke

    Get Index of enumeration in spring4D

    This would be a duplication of the already existing Where
  9. Stefan Glienke

    How to access/modify underlying records of IList<T>

    I have something like that in the works already. It does create a copy (records are value types, what else should it do?) - what you are proposing is dangerous and error-prone. That is not the case anymore in 2.0 - that interface has been removed from lists.
  10. Stefan Glienke

    Get Index of enumeration in spring4D

    No, but I see that .NET 9 added this. I might consider it.
  11. Stefan Glienke

    ISet<T> in spring4D

    FWIW if your type is an enum already it makes no sense to use ISet<T> because you can use the enum set. ISet<T> is for types that are no enums, such as string for example.
  12. Stefan Glienke

    Understanding DUnitX.Assert.WillRaise

    Passing parameters like that does not work in DUnitX - it silently ignores the string name for the exception class and then passes nil. Calling Assert.WillRaise with nil as exceptionClass succeeds when any exception was raised. @Vincent Parrett should be able to tell the best way to pass any parameters that cannot be easily converted from string.
  13. Stefan Glienke

    chatgpt can convert 32bit asm into 64bit

    Converting source code that won any challenge over 15 years ago is questionable regardless of correctness. Anyway, for this particular example, implementing a faster System.Move for Windows (other platforms use their libc memory) has been solved since Delphi 11.3. I sincerely challenge everyone to come up with a faster/better implementation.
  14. Stefan Glienke

    Strict type checking for tObject.

    It is pretty simple - imagine if the code below would work that way: procedure ReplacePet(var pet: TPet); begin pet.Free; pet := TCat.Create; end; procedure Main; var dog: TDog; begin ReplacePet(dog); dog.Bark; // meow?! end; FreeAndNil is special because it just destroys and assigns nil. But a var parameter does not give that guarantee.
  15. Stefan Glienke

    Double, default value

    Which - fun fact - does not happen on the method call (unless it's a virtual method) but when accessing any member inside of it. You could still have some method which does not access any member and it will not AV at all. We can argue all day about this - any runtime behavior one might slap onto it will not save the language from being inherently unsafe. It needs to be built into the language/compiler itself (Hi, Rust)