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Jeff Gibson

Alternatives for SQL Anywhere

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I'm reaching out to get some opinions on "On Prem" database environments.


I've got over 30 years experience working in the Sybase SQL Anywhere database environment. SQL Anywhere was an extremely powerful database to use in small on prem applications. SAP takes over and, well, you know the rest. They forgot they bought a tools company.


I'm looking for a solid/scalable database that can scale from a single machine to cloud. And frankly, I'm thinking more for smaller subsets. I know that I can go MySQL. PostgreSQL. But I'm wanting to know what this community thinks. SQLA used a T-SQL dialect, so I'm wanting to steer that way.


Thoughts? Would love to be able to run this on mobile devices as well.


Thanks in advance for any thoughts and opinions. There are no wrong answers.  :) 


Jeff Gibson

Nashville, TN

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I'm advocating for PostgreSQL. Yes, you'll need to learn a new language to replace T-SQL (although you do have choices), but it's a very solid database with great features (including documentation) and a wealth of skills online to take any questions or concerns.

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