David Schwartz 441 Posted October 30, 2018 We've got a ton of SQL queries embedded in a Delphi app that we've decided to move to the server where they belong. Around 700 or so of them. Does anybody have any ideas about how to most easily extract the SQL from Delphi code that generates them at run-time with a bunch of string catenation before stuffing them into the .SQL.Text property, or even via repetitive SQL.Add(...) methods? Also, what's the best way to extract them from SQL properties in DFMs where they're defined at design-time? The "obvious" approach in my mind is to use some kind of editing, like regular expressions, to remove common syntactic sugar needed to manipulate a bunch of string constants used to build up a big string. Another thought was to use some kind of scripter to actually process the Delphi code in a way that generates the strings dynamically, then grab them from the buffer that way. (ie., use a run-time interpreter to process limited lines of code that produce longer strings, rather than at run-time.) Any ideas? Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted October 31, 2018 Idk if possible, how about a simple line by line parser/checker? Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted October 31, 2018 It's a breeze using Delphi-AST! Try it, you'll be up n running fast. /D Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted October 31, 2018 9 hours ago, Dany Marmur said: It's a breeze using Delphi-AST! Try it, you'll be up n running fast. /D care to elaborate a bit? Share this post Link to post
toms 29 Posted October 31, 2018 (edited) Quote Developer Roman Yankovsky has an Abstract Syntax Tree Builder source code project called Delphi AST over on Github. An abstract syntax tree represents a tree of the abstract syntactic structure of source code in languages like Object Pascal. What you can do with it is basically pass in some Object Pascal source code like a unit and it will turn it into an XML representation of that unit which can be navigated using XPath and other methods http://www.fmxexpress.com/abstract-syntax-tree-builder-source-code-for-delphi-xe8-firemonkey-on-android-and-ios/ Edited October 31, 2018 by toms Share this post Link to post
Erix A. 8 Posted October 31, 2018 21 hours ago, David Schwartz said: We've got a ton of SQL queries embedded in a Delphi app that we've decided to move to the server where they belong. Could you, please, elaborate what "move to the server" means? Is the result just a simple .sql files, which will be run on a server? Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted October 31, 2018 some are simple, some are quite complex. The thing is, right now they're embedded in Delphi code on the client side. We want to move them into the server as stored procs, funcs, and views, and then replace the code on the Delphi side with simple calls to those server-side objects, parameterized where needed. (We're preparing to migrate from Oracle to PostgeSQL, and there are tools that can convert server-side assets automatically -- not 100%, but enough to be useful. However, they won't read the Delphi code! So we want to take this opportunity to extract all of this random business logic and other SQL CRUD code from the client side and move it over to the server where it belongs.) Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted October 31, 2018 (edited) I built my 'SQL-DFM' browser using DX. If you have DX i can send the sources. The AST part i OS. But it hardly matters, look at AST demo, 700 strings takes less than a, sec to scan. Then you can even output or rearrange the props in the DFM. Or as i did, collect all in a neat grid with search, filters, grouping, sorting... you essentially write you own "navigator" for specific properties. Edited October 31, 2018 by Guest Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted October 31, 2018 2 minutes ago, Dany Marmur said: I built my 'SQL-DFM' browser using DX. If you have DX i can send the sources. The AST part i OS. But it hardly matters, look at AST demo, 700 strings takes less than a, sec to scan. Then you can even output or rearrange the props in the DFM. Or as i did, collect all in a neat grid with search, filters, grouping, sorting... you essentially write you own "navigator" for specific properties. They're scattered across a few hundred source files. It's probably worth taking a look. Do you want to post it here and I can grab it, then you can leave it or delete it later? Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted October 31, 2018 55 minutes ago, David Schwartz said: They're scattered across a few hundred source files. It's probably worth taking a look. Do you want to post it here and I can grab it, then you can leave it or delete it later? I'll think of sumthing during work hours tomorrow. Share this post Link to post
il2 1 Posted October 31, 2018 Hi Dany! I'm interested in your tool either. May be a case for "I made this" sub-forum? 1 hour ago, Dany Marmur said: I'll think of sumthing during work hours tomorrow. 1 Share this post Link to post
Sherlock 672 Posted November 1, 2018 9 hours ago, il2 said: May be a case for "I made this" sub-forum? I second that! Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 1, 2018 OK. Just went in to check on that little tool. Turns out i have used DevExpress and RTC 😞 DevExpress because i do not have to do anything but fill a grid and there's search, sorting, filtering, pinning and all else. The only function i added was a checkbox to show the full row-height for the statements or just one row. RTC is because i'm familiar with its JSON classes. The RTC JSON classes can be replaced with something else. I just want to make it clear that for a "I made this" sharing i'd have to at *least* 1) get rid of 3rd party 2) implement settings for paths, properties selection et.al. 3) consider using project files in stead of paths, 4) consider an exe or plugin for the IDE... the to-do list could grow exponentially. Another thing that i dearly have to apologise for is the mention of Delphi-AST, i have no idea what i was on about. I used this brilliant project: https://github.com/masonwheeler/DFMJSON not Delphi-AST at all. Apologies. Really. I should not post so fast. This is the complete non-visual unit, what properties i'm interested in are hard-coded (!): unit Data.ObjectCollector; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes; type TStatementInfo = record FormName: string; StatementName: string; StatementClass: string; StoredProcName: string; StatementSQL: string; end; TObjectCollectoDataModule = class(TDataModule) private procedure DoCollect( const filename: string; const onFound: TProc<TStatementInfo>; const onSuccess, onErr: TProc<string>); public procedure RunCollect( const path, mask: string; recurse: boolean; const onFound: TProc<TStatementInfo>; const onSuccess, onErr: TProc<string>); end; var ObjectCollectoDataModule: TObjectCollectoDataModule; implementation uses System.Types, System.IOUtils, System.StrUtils, dwsJSON, DFMJSON, rtcInfo; {%CLASSGROUP 'Vcl.Controls.TControl'} {$R *.dfm} { TObjectCollectoDataModule } procedure TObjectCollectoDataModule.DoCollect( const filename: string; const onFound: TProc<TStatementInfo>; const onSuccess, onErr: TProc<string>); var I, J: Integer; dfm: TdwsJSONObject; rtcValue: TRtcValue; rtcArray: TRtcArray; lCurrentStatement: TStatementInfo; begin dfm := nil; try try try dfm := DFMJSON.Dfm2JSON(filename); except on EParserError do try dfm := DFMJSON.DfmBin2JSON(filename) except on E: Exception do begin if assigned(onErr) then onErr(format('Error while parsing %s. Exception %s: %s', [filename, e.ClassName, e.Message])); exit; end; end; end; rtcValue := TRtcValue.FromJSON(dfm.ToString); try if rtcValue.isType = rtc_Record then begin if Assigned( OnSuccess ) then OnSuccess(Format( 'Processed %s (%s)', [ rtcValue.asRecord.asString['$Class'], rtcValue.asRecord.asString['$Name']])); lCurrentStatement.FormName := rtcValue.asRecord.asString['$Name']; if rtcValue.asRecord.isType['$Children'] = rtc_Array then begin rtcArray := rtcValue.asRecord.asArray['$Children']; for I := 0 to rtcArray.Count - 1 do if rtcArray.isType[I] = rtc_Record then if (rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class'] = 'TIB_Cursor') or (rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class'] = 'TIB_DSQL') or (rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class'] = 'TIB_Query') or (rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class'] = 'TIB_StoredProc') then begin if Assigned( OnSuccess ) then OnSuccess(Format(' Found %s (%s)', [ rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Name'], rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class']])); if Assigned( OnFound ) then begin lCurrentStatement.StatementName := rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Name']; lCurrentStatement.StatementClass := rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class']; lCurrentStatement.StatementSQL := ''; if rtcArray.asRecord[i].asString['$Class'] = 'TIB_StoredProc' then lCurrentStatement.StoredProcName := AnsiDequotedStr(rtcArray.asRecord[i].asText['StoredProcName'], '''') else lCurrentStatement.StoredProcName := ''; if rtcArray.asRecord[i].isType['SQL.Strings'] = rtc_Array then for J := 0 to rtcArray.asRecord[i].asArray['SQL.Strings'].Count - 1 do begin lCurrentStatement.StatementSQL := lCurrentStatement.StatementSQL + AnsiDequotedStr(rtcArray.asRecord[i].asArray['SQL.Strings'].asString[J], '''') + #13#10; end; OnFound(lCurrentStatement); end; end; end; end; finally rtcValue.Free; end; except on E: Exception do if assigned(onErr) then onErr(format('Error while converting %s. Exception %s: %s', [filename, e.ClassName, e.Message])); end; finally dfm.Free; end; end; procedure TObjectCollectoDataModule.RunCollect( const path, mask: string; recurse: boolean; const onFound: TProc<TStatementInfo>; const onSuccess, onErr: TProc<string>); var files: TStringDynArray; filename: string; option: TSearchOption; begin if recurse then option := TSearchOption.soAllDirectories else option := TSearchOption.soTopDirectoryOnly; files := TDirectory.GetFiles(path, mask, option); for filename in files do DoCollect(filename, onFound, onSuccess, onErr); end; end. Call RunCollect and get each component and property/ies back in the onFound procedure. The onSuccess and onErr is for the log. The rtcXXX functions is used to parse and walk the JSON hierarchy. It's very similar to reading and processing XML. Just ask me what happens if it's unclear. As you can see the real work is done by the DFMJSON project in the Dfm2JSON and dfm.toString functions. Here are two screenshots: ...and... but that is very need-specific. I.e. what do you want to do with it all. HTH and Regards, /Dany Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted November 1, 2018 @Dany Marmur Thanks! We have DevEx ... what's RTC? Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 1, 2018 @David Schwartz, RTC is here https://rtc.teppi.net/ but as i said - i only used its JSON parsing classes (value handling). You should be able to snappily change it to what comes with Delphi. Since you have DX, here's the complete visual code. Now i have pasted the whole project 🙂 BTW - you noticed my DACs are IBO, you have to change names to whatever you use. unit Forms.MainForm; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, cxGraphics, cxControls, cxLookAndFeels, cxLookAndFeelPainters, cxContainer, cxEdit, dxLayoutcxEditAdapters, dxLayoutContainer, cxStyles, cxCustomData, cxFilter, cxData, cxDataStorage, cxNavigator, cxDataControllerConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog, cxMemo, cxGridCustomTableView, cxGridTableView, cxGridCustomView, cxClasses, cxGridLevel, cxGrid, cxTextEdit, cxMaskEdit, cxButtonEdit, dxLayoutControl, cxCustomListBox, cxListBox, cxCheckBox, cxGridWinExplorerView, dxBarBuiltInMenu, cxGridCustomPopupMenu, cxGridPopupMenu, dxLayoutControlAdapters, Vcl.Menus, Vcl.StdCtrls, cxButtons, dxSkinsCore, dxSkinOffice2013White, dxLayoutLookAndFeels; type TCollectorMainForm = class(TForm) LayoutControlMainGroup_Root: TdxLayoutGroup; LayoutControlMain: TdxLayoutControl; SQLGridLevel: TcxGridLevel; SQLGrid: TcxGrid; dxLayoutItem2: TdxLayoutItem; SQLTableView: TcxGridTableView; SQLTableViewColumnFormName: TcxGridColumn; SQLTableViewColumnStmtClass: TcxGridColumn; SQLTableViewColumnStmtName: TcxGridColumn; SQLTableViewColumnSQLText: TcxGridColumn; LogListBox: TcxListBox; dxLayoutItem3: TdxLayoutItem; FullRowHeightCheckBox: TcxCheckBox; dxLayoutItem4: TdxLayoutItem; SQLTableViewColumnStoredProcName: TcxGridColumn; SQLGridPopupMenu: TcxGridPopupMenu; PathTextEdit: TcxTextEdit; dxLayoutItem1: TdxLayoutItem; ScanButton: TcxButton; dxLayoutItem5: TdxLayoutItem; dxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup1: TdxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup; SQLStyleRepository: TcxStyleRepository; cxStyle1: TcxStyle; dxLayoutGroup1: TdxLayoutGroup; dxLayoutLookAndFeelList1: TdxLayoutLookAndFeelList; dxLayoutCxLookAndFeel1: TdxLayoutCxLookAndFeel; procedure cxCheckBox1PropertiesChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ScanButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure RefreshGrid; public { Public declarations } end; var CollectorMainForm: TCollectorMainForm; implementation uses Data.ObjectCollector; {$R *.dfm} procedure TCollectorMainForm.ScanButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin RefreshGrid; end; procedure TCollectorMainForm.cxCheckBox1PropertiesChange(Sender: TObject); begin SQLTableView.OptionsView.CellAutoHeight := FullRowHeightCheckBox.Checked; if FullRowHeightCheckBox.Checked then SQLTableView.Controller.TopRowIndex := SQLTableView.Controller.FocusedRowIndex; end; procedure TCollectorMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin RefreshGrid; SQLTableView.Controller.ShowFindPanel; end; procedure TCollectorMainForm.RefreshGrid; var lCurrent: Integer; begin lCurrent := 1; SQLTableView.DataController.BeginUpdate; LogListBox.Items.BeginUpdate; try LogListBox.Items.Clear; SQLTableView.DataController.RecordCount := 0; Data.ObjectCollector.ObjectCollectoDataModule.RunCollect( PathTextEdit.Text, '*.dfm', false, procedure (aStatementInfo: TStatementInfo) begin SQLTableView.DataController.RecordCount := lCurrent; SQLTableView.DataController.Values[lCurrent - 1, SQLTableViewColumnFormName.Index] := aStatementInfo.FormName; SQLTableView.DataController.Values[lCurrent - 1, SQLTableViewColumnStmtClass.Index] := aStatementInfo.StatementClass; SQLTableView.DataController.Values[lCurrent - 1, SQLTableViewColumnStmtName.Index] := aStatementInfo.StatementName; SQLTableView.DataController.Values[lCurrent - 1, SQLTableViewColumnStoredProcName.Index] := aStatementInfo.StoredProcName; SQLTableView.DataController.Values[lCurrent - 1, SQLTableViewColumnSQLText.Index] := aStatementInfo.StatementSQL; Inc(lCurrent); end, procedure (aText: string) begin LogListBox.Items.Append(aText); end, procedure (aText: string) begin LogListBox.Items.Append(aText); end); LogListBox.ItemIndex := LogListBox.Items.Count - 1; finally LogListBox.Items.EndUpdate; SQLTableView.DataController.EndUpdate; end; end; end. ... and the dfm ... object CollectorMainForm: TCollectorMainForm Left = 0 Top = 0 ActiveControl = SQLGrid Caption = 'DFM SQL Collector' ClientHeight = 892 ClientWidth = 1507 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object LayoutControlMain: TdxLayoutControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 1507 Height = 892 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 LayoutLookAndFeel = dxLayoutCxLookAndFeel1 HighlightRoot = False object SQLGrid: TcxGrid Left = 10 Top = 55 Width = 1487 Height = 793 TabOrder = 3 object SQLTableView: TcxGridTableView Navigator.Buttons.CustomButtons = <> Navigator.Buttons.First.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.PriorPage.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.Prior.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.Next.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.NextPage.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.Last.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.Insert.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Append.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Delete.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Edit.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Post.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Cancel.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.Refresh.Visible = False Navigator.Buttons.SaveBookmark.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.GotoBookmark.Visible = True Navigator.Buttons.Filter.Visible = True Navigator.InfoPanel.Visible = True Navigator.Visible = True FindPanel.DisplayMode = fpdmManual DataController.Options = [dcoCaseInsensitive, dcoAssignGroupingValues, dcoAssignMasterDetailKeys, dcoSaveExpanding] DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <> FixedDataRows.PinVisibility = rpvRowHotTrack OptionsBehavior.CopyCaptionsToClipboard = False OptionsBehavior.FocusCellOnTab = True OptionsBehavior.IncSearch = True OptionsBehavior.NavigatorHints = True OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode = rsmByPixel OptionsCustomize.ColumnHiding = True OptionsCustomize.ColumnHidingOnGrouping = False OptionsCustomize.ColumnsQuickCustomization = True OptionsCustomize.DataRowFixing = True OptionsData.Deleting = False OptionsData.Inserting = False OptionsView.CellAutoHeight = True OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth = True OptionsView.HeaderEndEllipsis = True OptionsView.HeaderFilterButtonShowMode = fbmSmartTag OptionsView.Indicator = True OptionsView.ShowColumnFilterButtons = sfbWhenSelected Styles.Background = cxStyle1 Styles.Content = cxStyle1 Styles.ContentEven = cxStyle1 Styles.ContentOdd = cxStyle1 Styles.FilterBox = cxStyle1 Styles.FindPanel = cxStyle1 Styles.IncSearch = cxStyle1 Styles.Navigator = cxStyle1 Styles.NavigatorInfoPanel = cxStyle1 Styles.SearchResultHighlight = cxStyle1 Styles.FilterRowInfoText = cxStyle1 Styles.Footer = cxStyle1 Styles.Group = cxStyle1 Styles.GroupByBox = cxStyle1 Styles.GroupFooterSortedSummary = cxStyle1 Styles.GroupSortedSummary = cxStyle1 Styles.GroupSummary = cxStyle1 Styles.Header = cxStyle1 Styles.Inactive = cxStyle1 Styles.Indicator = cxStyle1 Styles.InplaceEditFormGroup = cxStyle1 Styles.InplaceEditFormItem = cxStyle1 Styles.InplaceEditFormItemHotTrack = cxStyle1 Styles.NewItemRowInfoText = cxStyle1 Styles.Preview = cxStyle1 Styles.Selection = cxStyle1 object SQLTableViewColumnFormName: TcxGridColumn Caption = 'Form Name' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Options.FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering = True Width = 165 end object SQLTableViewColumnStmtClass: TcxGridColumn Caption = 'Statement Class' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Options.FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering = True Width = 110 end object SQLTableViewColumnStmtName: TcxGridColumn Caption = 'Statement Name' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Options.FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering = True SortIndex = 0 SortOrder = soAscending Width = 152 end object SQLTableViewColumnStoredProcName: TcxGridColumn Caption = 'Stored Proc Name' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Options.FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering = True Width = 110 end object SQLTableViewColumnSQLText: TcxGridColumn Caption = 'SQL Text' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxMemoProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Properties.ScrollBars = ssVertical Options.FilteringPopupIncrementalFiltering = True Width = 739 end end object SQLGridLevel: TcxGridLevel GridView = SQLTableView end end object LogListBox: TcxListBox Left = 10000 Top = 10000 Width = 1467 Height = 63 ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 4 Visible = False end object FullRowHeightCheckBox: TcxCheckBox Left = 1405 Top = 11 Caption = 'Full row height' Properties.OnChange = cxCheckBox1PropertiesChange State = cbsChecked Style.HotTrack = False Style.Shadow = False Style.TransparentBorder = True TabOrder = 2 Transparent = True end object PathTextEdit: TcxTextEdit Left = 37 Top = 10 Style.HotTrack = False TabOrder = 0 Text = 'C:\Users\Superkey\Documents\Projects' TextHint = 'All *.dfm files in the path will be searched' Width = 1281 end object ScanButton: TcxButton Left = 1324 Top = 10 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'SCAN' Default = True SpeedButtonOptions.CanBeFocused = False TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ScanButtonClick end object LayoutControlMainGroup_Root: TdxLayoutGroup AlignHorz = ahClient AlignVert = avClient ButtonOptions.Buttons = <> Hidden = True ItemIndex = 2 ShowBorder = False Index = -1 end object dxLayoutItem2: TdxLayoutItem Parent = LayoutControlMainGroup_Root AlignVert = avClient CaptionOptions.Text = 'SQL Queries' CaptionOptions.Layout = clTop Control = SQLGrid ControlOptions.OriginalHeight = 200 ControlOptions.OriginalWidth = 250 ControlOptions.ShowBorder = False Index = 1 end object dxLayoutItem3: TdxLayoutItem Parent = dxLayoutGroup1 AlignVert = avClient CaptionOptions.Text = 'Log' CaptionOptions.Visible = False CaptionOptions.Layout = clTop Control = LogListBox ControlOptions.OriginalHeight = 97 ControlOptions.OriginalWidth = 121 ControlOptions.ShowBorder = False Index = 0 end object dxLayoutItem4: TdxLayoutItem Parent = dxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup1 AlignVert = avCenter CaptionOptions.Text = 'FullRowHeight' CaptionOptions.Visible = False Control = FullRowHeightCheckBox ControlOptions.OriginalHeight = 19 ControlOptions.OriginalWidth = 92 ControlOptions.ShowBorder = False Index = 2 end object dxLayoutItem1: TdxLayoutItem Parent = dxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup1 AlignHorz = ahClient AlignVert = avCenter CaptionOptions.Text = 'Path' Control = PathTextEdit ControlOptions.OriginalHeight = 21 ControlOptions.OriginalWidth = 121 ControlOptions.ShowBorder = False Index = 0 end object dxLayoutItem5: TdxLayoutItem Parent = dxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup1 AlignVert = avCenter CaptionOptions.Text = 'Scan' CaptionOptions.Visible = False Control = ScanButton ControlOptions.OriginalHeight = 21 ControlOptions.OriginalWidth = 75 ControlOptions.ShowBorder = False Index = 1 end object dxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup1: TdxLayoutAutoCreatedGroup Parent = LayoutControlMainGroup_Root LayoutDirection = ldHorizontal Index = 0 AutoCreated = True end object dxLayoutGroup1: TdxLayoutGroup Parent = LayoutControlMainGroup_Root CaptionOptions.Text = 'Log' ButtonOptions.Alignment = gbaLeft ButtonOptions.Buttons = <> ButtonOptions.ShowExpandButton = True Expanded = False UseIndent = False Index = 2 end end object SQLGridPopupMenu: TcxGridPopupMenu Grid = SQLGrid PopupMenus = <> Left = 1048 Top = 360 end object SQLStyleRepository: TcxStyleRepository Left = 952 Top = 320 PixelsPerInch = 96 object cxStyle1: TcxStyle AssignedValues = [svFont] Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] end end object dxLayoutLookAndFeelList1: TdxLayoutLookAndFeelList Left = 856 Top = 368 object dxLayoutCxLookAndFeel1: TdxLayoutCxLookAndFeel LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False LookAndFeel.ScrollbarMode = sbmClassic LookAndFeel.SkinName = 'Office2013White' PixelsPerInch = 96 end end end HTH /D Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted November 1, 2018 (edited) Thanks, I do appreciate this, although a zip file attachment would be a lot easier to work with 😉 That's a LOT of text to scroll through here. I noticed that the DWS project has migrated to BitBucket. Is there anything to be aware of when using it? Edited November 1, 2018 by David Schwartz Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 1, 2018 Yes, but a zip with an executable, then i have to code settings for the different names, i simply do not have the time now 😞. The three code-windows above is all the code except for the dpr! You can just copy paste it really. This is what i have for DWScript: https://xxx@bitbucket.org/egrange/dwscript.git This is the path to DWSJSON: https://github.com/masonwheeler/DFMJSON.git I suppose if one had the time you could VCL-ify it, add persistence and settings and some more and you'll have a neat contribution to the community. This was a very fast hack when i moved from my own dynamic SQL-repository to using DFMs. I missed the global searches i could do in my own repo. HTH, /D Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 441 Posted November 1, 2018 I don't need an executable. It's just that posting the sources here directly take up most of the page and distract from an otherwise useful discussion. Share this post Link to post
Bill Meyer 339 Posted November 2, 2018 On 10/31/2018 at 4:03 AM, Dany Marmur said: It's a breeze using Delphi-AST! Try it, you'll be up n running fast. /D DelphiAST seems a bit unhappy with DFM files. Anything in particular we need to know? Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 3, 2018 @Bill Meyer, when i wrote the original post from my phone i confused DWSJSON and Delphi-AST. Scroll up, i have a lot of apologies for that 🙂 I used DWSJSON for this project. "Only" to parse the DFM into JSON. Again, my apologies. Share this post Link to post
Bill Meyer 339 Posted November 3, 2018 @Dany Marmur No problem. I also found: https://github.com/ADUG/DFMJSON Share this post Link to post
ByteJuggler 45 Posted November 3, 2018 I realise this is slightly late to the party but another possible way to possibly tackle this problem is to actually instantiate the modules containing queries and then iterate over the component collection of each form/module looking for the relevant query component types and then doing whatever you want with them. (E.g. serialise to file, write out parameters, etc.) Obviously this approach has some caveats that might make it less desirable in some instances (not least dependency issues). Still it should not be that hard to come up with a project that just includes everything referenced etc.) Anyway just a thought. Share this post Link to post
haentschman 92 Posted November 4, 2018 (edited) Hi... If you extracting the SQL from Sourcecode, then you can save it as Resource...a better handling for more then one DBMS. But i think, that the extraction of of the SQL is manually work. ! Advertising from me... How about this? DIMOWA®SQL Creator ...at the Moment in German. Advantages: * SQL not in query or sourcecode * SQL as file on the disk * SQL can tested in your favored Editor * SQL, if you want, encypted in the EXE * Shows more DBMS side by side in the editor ...and so on. Edited November 4, 2018 by haentschman Share this post Link to post
Lars Fosdal 1826 Posted November 6, 2018 If you use FireDAC, you can also use the FireDAC Monitor to capture everything that goes on, databasewise. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Tracing_and_Monitoring_(FireDAC) Share this post Link to post