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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/19 in all areas

  1. jbg

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    There are still 6 patches collections (about 30 function patches) that I have to reimplement. At least the Win64 compiler doesn't crash anymore. So it will still take a lot of time to get a usable release version.
  2. I just wanted to say a public BIG THANKS to Mr. Fierens from TMS for his amazing and outstanding support: Today (which is a SUNDAY) I mailed him the description of a small bug. ONE HOUR LATER I got the bug fix attached as source code file in the mail. I never had a product (TMS ALL ACCESS) with such outstanding support quality!
  3. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    We are waiting Andy like a prophet 😉
  4. pyscripter

    Changes in Parallel Library

    @Stefan GlienkeIt does depend on what you are testing. If one claims that it takes > 1s for the first task to execute, it is sufficient to show it is not true. Also the work load on many real-life multi-threaded applications is not dissimilar. Say you fire 100 HTTP requests and you wait for the results to come, or you do asynchronous IO with memory mapped files (using overlapped events). I like this use of language: No doubt … followed by a debatable statement It is clear that … followed by an unclear statement No offence …. followed by an offensive statement etc.
  5. Stuart Clennett

    Adding a second app to a MARS Engine

    Thanks Andrea -- adding the server2.resources unit to the server.ignition.pas uses clause worked. Kind regards
  6. Daniel

    Changes in Parallel Library

    //Notice: I have just renamed this thread to a more meaningful subject.
  7. Dmitry Arefiev

    Rio SOAP gzip response problem

    1) This is worth to report, but rather as a feature request. Support for automatic decoding may be done easily using WinHTTP WINHTTP_OPTION_DECOMPRESSION option. And probably already in 10.3 Update 1. As a quick workaround, you can modify System.Net.HttpClient.Win.pas, for example: function TWinHTTPClient.DoExecuteRequest(const ARequest: THTTPRequest; var AResponse: THTTPResponse; const AContentStream: TStream): TWinHTTPClient.TExecutionResult; begin ..... // Enable automatic decoding LOptionValue := WINHTTP_DECOMPRESSION_FLAG_GZIP or WINHTTP_DECOMPRESSION_FLAG_DEFLATE or WINHTTP_DECOMPRESSION_FLAG_ALL; WinHttpSetOption(LRequest.FWRequest, WINHTTP_OPTION_DECOMPRESSION, @LOptionValue, sizeof(LOptionValue)); .... end; 2) THTTPReqResp was using WinINet API directly. In 10.3 it was completely reworked to enable support of other platforms, including Linux, OSX, etc.