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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/19 in all areas

  1. Martin Wienold

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    You can design a more native looking dialog using TTaskDialog. Here is an short example and a few more tweaks can be found here Inofficial TTaskDialog Documentation, Andreas Rejbrand, 2011-02-13 with TTaskDialog.Create(Self) do try Caption := 'File info'; Title := 'File created'; Text := 'c:\temp\Projections_Q3.csv'; VerificationText := 'Do not show message when creating files'; MainIcon := tdiInformation; CommonButtons := [tcbClose]; DefaultButton := tcbClose; with Buttons.Add() as TTaskDialogButtonItem do begin Caption := 'Open file'; ModalResult := 1000; end; with Buttons.Add() as TTaskDialogButtonItem do begin Caption := 'Locate file'; ModalResult := 1001; end; if Execute then case ModalResult of 1000: ShowMessage('Open file'); 1001: ShowMessage('Locate file'); else ShowMessage('Cancel'); end; finally Free; end;
  2. Stefan Glienke

    Undocumented "Interface flag" for IInvokable?

    The compiler is responsible for writing typeInfo into the binary.
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    When I display filenames in Task Dialogs, I like to put them in the ExpandedText section, so they are hidden initially but the user can choose to see them if desired.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    I'd make a generic "application log" where I would log the different actions, and for each action type - offer the possible options when viewing the log. Whenever something is logged, I'd have a "New Item" counter (Think "number of unread") somewhere in the UI - f.x. on a button that opens the log. I also strongly dislike modal dialogs, but when I need that file, I do need a mechanism to find it.
  5. Yeah right. Do you really believe "they" will stop developing own tags and/or standards to set themselves apart from the competition? I'll believe it when I see it. Too much has happened since I first browsed the net with NCSA Mosaic on an HP Apollo Workstation (Micky D's was under construction back then... those where the days, man!)
  6. Stefan Glienke

    A YAML Library for Delphi

    Ah, I see now, they are all hidden in that innocently looking TestParse and TestEmit methods - was expecting to see them more fine grained :) I have some suggestions for some possible low level optimizations (for example eliminating some unnecessary code from function prologues and epilogues caused by usually not raised exceptions but the fact the exception creation code is directly coded into the methods (and in fact is repeated multiple times) - will file a PR.
  7. Markus Kinzler

    The Android 64bit deadline warnings have started

    Because the macOS 64-Bit version scheduled for 10.3 is still missing.
  8. Remy Lebeau

    The Android 64bit deadline warnings have started

    SHOULD being the figurative work here. There has been NO announcement from Embarcadero since August 2018 about how they plan to address the Android 64bit issue. There has been NO announcement of a new Delphi version in the works to include a 64bit Android compiler. AFAIK, there is no beta at this time.
  9. We all knew it would come this August, but now the Google Play store is showing warning notifications on new uploads: And to top it off, there's a new warning that I have no idea how to address (if it's even possible) with Delphi:
  10. Markus Kinzler

    The Android 64bit deadline warnings have started

    But the next version of macOS doesn't support it anymore. macOS mojave juust warns when starting 32 bit apps. In this case "only" the distribution in the play store is affected. In macOS the apps will stop working!