I went same route with swift on mac/ipad. Aside from apple breaking swift every version it came out really good and i was able to reuse a significant amount of code between the platforms. Swift is a nice language but having to interface with all of that objC API code was painful. Apple is definitely going the right direction with Swift and making new Swift only APIS.
It would have been nice if i was able to use the same code on windows and ios/mac, but I realize that's mostly a pipe dream now.
Agree on Lazarus.
I switched off python and started using Go. Just had better experience keeping production stuff running better with Go. Its the perfect server code language IMO.
So going forward i'm using swift for iOS / Mac and Go/Vue/Vuetify/Electron for multiple platform stuff. Svelte.js looks very impressive and i may switch off Vue in a few years.
I'm not even comfortable keeping Delphi for win32 development at this point. Microsoft has such a schizophrenic desktop development story. I have no idea what to use to build native windows clients so I just won't i guess. I may downgrade and keep delphi pro. When you use reactive frameworks like Vue and soon SwiftUI, the old delphi style way of building GUIS feels bad.
WebAssembly is something I'm keeping my eye on as well. I suspect this may become a great way to build multiplatform stuff both in and out of the browser. Remobjects doing some interesting stuff in this space.