I don't see this announcement as a good sign.
From the management/project point of view, they bought a license from the FMX initial developper, who left EMB last year (IIRC) to re-create his own company https://www.fmxlinux.com - EMB dev team was not able to do it on their own anymore.
Sad. I worry about Delphi future if they need to rely on external coders for new targets or features.
From the technical point of view, Linux was supported - with FPC as compiler - 10 years ago http://web.archive.org/web/20091213100642/http://www.ksdev.com/dxscene/index.html when FMX was called DXScene.
So is it a real progress to be able to have back a feature I got 10 years ago, when I bought my lifetime licence to DXScene?
BTW the "LifeTime" of my DXScene license did last 1 year only, since it stopped when EMB bought DXScene - I really felt it was some kind of theft at that time. Now their "LifeTime" license is $349 - I really wonder if it is worth it...