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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/20 in Posts

  1. MMX version 15.0.15 now supports Delphi 10.4 Sydney.
  2. Delphi 10.4 is just around the corner and you have already been reading about its exciting new language and IDE features. But what has been getting less attention - and what I find equally exciting - is the addition of Metal support for macOS and iOS. See why this can be important for you too as well... https://blog.grijjy.com/2020/05/25/boost-mac-performance-with-metal-and-delphi-10-4/
  3. Chester Wilson

    Delphi 10.3 and supported version of Android

    Dave, you are F@#$%^ wonderful! I have spend the last couple of days finding out which things no longer work in later Delphis, and which things in modern Delphis no longer work in ancient androids. It has been a humbling experience, giving me incredible insight into the marketing behind android! From a severe lesson in understanding of why you would never dream of supporting old versions of android, you give me hope that in the future (10.4 style) things may still be possible! Many thanks! If I ever meet you, I owe you a beer! Chester.
  4. Anders Melander

    Front-end vs Back-end question

    It depends. Next question.
  5. I have no issue with a limit on the time in which versions could be downloaded, but prior to the recent bump to installation counts, I learned the hard way that my venerable copy of D7 could not be installed as licensed, despite my having the installables and the license code. And I am sorry, but that's a bad policy. Back in the day, I used to license new releases whether I needed them or not, just to support a company I valued. Now we are asked to pay impressive license fees, and if we do not stay current, we lose the ability to reinstall old versions, which may occasionally be needed for one reason or another. And curiously, the mantra has been that developers don't understand marketing. Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. Any of us who have made our living through contract work or custom development certainly have hard earned knowledge of marketing. And as to marketing, any recent promotion of Delphi apart from embarcadero.com?
  6. Anders Melander

    Revisiting TThreadedQueue and TMonitor

    You are right about that but they can fix TMonitor (the ABA problem) by using a private, correct implementation of InterlockedCompareExchange128 without breaking DCU compatibility. They could also just implement a temporary fix for InterlockedCompareExchange128 that maintains the incorrect return type (bool) but returns the correct value.
  7. The net license needs to reach the server at least every 30 days, so you are not on a very short leash. On the other hand, if the doors closed, you could be toast in 30 days.
  8. The old components are A problem, and certainly can be significant. I've dealt with this in the past, and am doing so now. And it is not only that old components are an issue, but that it is common to find in legacy projects large numbers of components, because there was a natural tendency to want to try the latest shiniest toys. This wide range of components to be replaced increases the technical debt to be paid. And yet, I would not want Embarcadero to expend monies and development resources bringing these into compatibility with current compilers. (And which current compilers, come to that?) This I would doubt to be practical. Look at the current license fees. Those seem insufficient to pay for the extent of improvements we would all like to see, but you would divide these resources to apply some portion to legacy issues? That will clearly work against the rapid advancement of the product. OSS is such an interesting swamp. For Embarcadero, the obvious problem is revenue, which the rising license fees suggest is less than they wish it to be. I fear that part of the problem is that they (like politicians) fail to adequately consider that the relation between fees and revenues is elastic. Doubling the fee will not double the revenue, as it will drive some not to renew. Basic economics. But will any company wish to buy Delphi to take it to OSS? The world perceives that Delphi is dying. They need not be right, as perception drives action. Idera, having spent a good deal (we assume) to acquire Embarcadero, will want a good deal for it. That suggest the need for an OSS company with deep pockets. How many such exist? And as they are almost universally committed to C and C++, where would be their motivation? Acquisition of a market of uncertain size for a product which many choose not to renew annually? Further, OSS is itself no guarantee of future success. In case you missed it, the consistent mantra has for years been that we (the market) are clueless about marketing. And about the relative merit of improvements, enhancements, and repairs. And that is an inescapable part of how we came to be where we are now. I can envision many changes which I think would be beneficial for the future of Delphi, but as none of us is in possession of any meaningful data regarding market, revenues, and so on, it is purely speculative.
  9. David Schwartz

    Front-end vs Back-end question

    nearly every question posted here can be answered with "it depends" and stop right there.
  10. David Heffernan

    Front-end vs Back-end question

    Depends on all sorts of things. I guess people are finding it hard to get motivated to write it all down.
  11. And to be very clear... anyone who thinks that letting me install my old D7 will have ANY impact on sales of more recent licenses is clearly ignorant of the product, as well as the market.
  12. Vincent Parrett

    ANN HTML Library 4.1 released

    Flex and grid would be nice, for sure, but you realise browsers with huge dev teams have taken years to implement and perfect these features.. not a small ask for a component vendor!
  13. Actually, there is a new version released 5.0.1 which also fixes problem of opening tables with lowercase letters.
  14. AdrianV

    ANN HTML Library 4.1 released

    What is the state of flexbox support ? Current version seems to ignore the display:flex css. Would be nice to have it.
  15. Vandrovnik

    Function with just underscore _() seems to be valid

    With this info in mind, for bad customers you can start programming like that: const _ = 1; _____ = 2; x = _____ + (_-_-_) + 0 + _+0-0+_ ;
  16. Geoffrey Smith

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    I've updated my project so it now not only sends messages via gmail... but it can send hotmail.com/live.com/outlook.com emails. GmailAuthSMTP supports the XOAUTH2 and OAUTHBEARER authentication types and so could probably support other mail providers if they use those standards as well. https://github.com/geoffsmith82/GmailAuthSMTP/
  17. Angus Robertson

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    Gmail still allows SMTP and POP3 access with basic authentication, provided you ignore all attempts by Google to set-up better security on the account, and accept the odd/regular email that your account is being used by a suspicious application. But once you have turned on 'better security' (forget it's real name) you can not turn it off, so have to set-up a new gmail account. The OAuth2 option is not too bad, you only need to authenticate with a Google login using a browser once and the refresh token provided remains valid until not used for six months, or when the account is changed. so you can get a new access token each time you send email without needing to authenticate again. Other OAuth2 implementations usually expire the refresh token within 24 hours. Angus
  18. Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    The problem with application password is that it requires 2FA setup which in turn forces you to authenticate each login even though it's for something as trivial as sending mails from your app.
  19. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 10.3 and supported version of Android

    There are two API levels in manifest (actually, there is another one, but not important) - minSdkVersion and targetSdkVesrion minSdkVersion marks minimum API required by application and it will not run on Android devices with API lower than specified targetSdkVersion marks highest supported API level by application - that means Android will not use any compatibility mode when running on devices with specified or lower API. If you run application on device with higher API level, OS will use compatibility mode for newly introduced API features. Tokyo 10.2.3 (and previous versions) by default had both API levels set to 14. Rio 10.3 changed that and minimum API level is now 19 and target is 26. That means devices with Android version lover that 19 will no longer be able to run applications built with Rio. Conclusion: Delphi application compiled with Rio can by default run on any device with API 19 or higher.