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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/20 in all areas

  1. Mike Lustosa

    Chatbots on whatsapp. Freeware.

    Hello guys! My name is Mike and I developed the TInject component for creating chatbots on whatsapp. Freeware. Best regards. github: https://github.com/mikelustosa/Projeto-TInject
  2. David Heffernan

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Beta testing is no substitute for having your own comprehensive set of automated tests. Beta testing is best used to help identify issues with design. It really shouldn't be used to find implementation bugs. I hope that Emba don't do that. When Emba tell us that they are going to focus on quality, it comes with talk of how many QP issues have been resolved. But for me that misses the point. Unless they are also fixing the development process that allows so many bugs, they will remain stuck on the treadmill, running to stay still.
  3. The trusted root certificate currently used by Let's Encrypt, DST Root CA X3, expires in September 2021. Let's Encrypt issued it's own root certificate, ISRG Root X1, some time ago and it is now available in all major browsers. ICS added it to our bundles three years ago in June 2017 with V8.49. From 8th July 2020, Let's Encrypt will start issuing new certificates signed by an intermediate using the new ISRG root certificate, and the chain will only successfully validate for ICS applications that have the new root. If the internal ICS root bundle is used it must be a new release, but a newer external PEM bundle file can be distributed for use with older ICS applications so they can still access web sites with Let's Encrypt certificates. Because Let's Encrypt certificates expire in three months, they will all be using the new root by mid October 2020. Angus
  4. Anders Melander

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    If your post isn't meant as trolling then you should phrase your statements in a different way. If you do not want people to respond to your post then you should post it on one-way broadcast media instead. /ignore
  5. dummzeuch

    Quick Edit: How to invoke by hotkey?

    The GExperts Rename Components expert has some limited functionality similiar to Quick Edit and it has a keyboard shortcut. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/07/21/selecting-alignment-and-anchors-in-the-rename-components-expert/ Adding a keyboard shortcut for Quick Ediit is on my wish list, but not as easy as I expected. I already wasted several hours on this.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Cursor through tabs should make no difference, but Optimal fill may do.
  7. vfbb

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    I found the workaround! Add the WebKit framework to your iOS SDK and update the local file cache. After, in the unit source\rtl\ios\iOSapi.WebKit.pas in the line: var WebKitModule: THandle; {$ENDIF} Change to var WebKitModule: THandle; {$ELSE} {$IF NOT DECLARED(_PU)} const {$IFDEF UNDERSCOREIMPORTNAME} _PU = '_'; {$ELSE} _PU = ''; {$ENDIF} {$EXTERNALSYM _PU} {$ENDIF} procedure EmbedFramework; cdecl; external libWebKit name _PU + 'OBJC_CLASS$_WKWebView'; {$ENDIF}