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  1. https://www.quantamagazine.org/computer-scientists-break-traveling-salesperson-record-20201008/
  2. Lots of unhappy Atlassian customers https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Cloud-Migration/To-all-Atlassian-server-champions-we-want-to-hear-from-you/qaq-p/1500873 And yes, it seems like Bamboo is just being quietly shelved, they don't mention it anywhere on their roadmaps or cloud migration pages. My guess is bitbucket piplelines is the intended migration path. I'll take this opportunity to offer a different migration option - https://www.finalbuilder.com/continua-ci - currently windows only, but we're working towards linux & mac support (agents first, server later).
  3. Kryvich

    Character spacing in RichEdit control

    You need RichEdit50W, but TRichEdit utilize Riched32.dll / Riched20.dll, not MsftEdit.dll. In my program I used JvRichEdit from JVCL library, modified to utilize MsftEdit.dll instead of Riched32.dll. Updating the component version also significantly speeds up a loading of large RTF files.
  4. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Delphi 10.4.1 and the IDE FIx Pack

    I do not fully agree. I was able to live without IDE FixPack until XE area, when unit scope was introduced. At that time IDE were barely usable, took a lot of time displaying forms at design time, compiling project (the more directories in the search path the worse the IDE react)...
  5. Uwe Raabe

    Two icons are not displayed.

    Found it - well, at least a workaround. Will investigate for the root cause later. The new version is available for download.
  6. FPiette

    Opus codec

    For voice communication, UDP is usually used because it is no necessary to have a communication without error, but the most real time as possible.
  7. Yes, this is true for all Atlassian products. We're moving away from Confluence because whilst it has support for producing documentation sites, it has no support for versioning.. unless you buy an expensive plugin - which totally takes over and makes a complete mess of things when you install on existing spaces, and and even worse mess (had to restore from backup) when uninstalling it. TBH, I fell out of love with confluence a long time ago.. we'll probably just switch to some sort of static site generator. They announced yesterday they are moving to cloud only and will retire the server/dc products over the next few years - that's just another reason to stop using their products imho.
  8. Search for ParnassusCoreEditor in this forum and you will get some helpful answers.
  9. Tntman

    I am looking for this guy

    "tieus" is some IT company from canada, u can find them on linkedin also ... For some reason i cant open their official web site.. Maybe if u can open their site u will find some useful info
  10. No problem, I’ll add Indy support before I upload. Should have this uploaded in the next couple of hours.
  11. Thanks to the overloads for AddBody that is not a big challenge: { as Json string } Request.AddBody(TJSON.ObjectToJsonString(aMsg, [joIgnoreEmptyStrings, joIgnoreEmptyArrays, joDateIsUTC, joDateFormatISO8601])); { or as TJsonObject } Request.AddBody(TJSON.ObjectToJsonObject(aMsg, [joIgnoreEmptyStrings, joIgnoreEmptyArrays, joDateIsUTC, joDateFormatISO8601]), ooREST);
  12. I have been working on my stripe library recently as I’ve integrated it into our own software. I can’t remember removing it from GitHub, weird... I’ll re-upload it to GitHub later today. It’s really easy to use so might be of use to you.
  13. Arnaud Bouchez

    Range checking in library code?

    I would not put the behavior change regarding of $R+ setting. Your library should better be consistent and never need a re-compilation if you need to change e.g. from DEBUG to RELEASE mode. My idea would be to raise an exception in case of out of bounds error - just like TStringList/TList. It is what most users expect, and will be confident and pleased with. In mORMot, the trick is that I also give direct access (as a field, not as a getter - even inlined) to the raw pointer of array storage. So the user can by-pass the range check if needed, e.g. by using a local pointer variable, and proper pointer arithmetic. I document the property as low-level and raw access to the values, to be used at your own risk. Then advanced users, and other parts of your own library which is safely written and tested, could be able to bypass the range check, by accessing directly the pointer values.
  14. No, only TCP. UDP is a datagram oriented protocol. But you are able to discover which protocol is used in your processor stuff. What I say is that you have to move the part of the code out of the processor code and move it to an intermediate layer between the low level receiver and high level the processor. Layers is the key success in protocol handling. RawByteString is low performance. It is all about memory alloc/free, data copy and memory fragmentation. Low performance but easier to design and develop. Linked list (Or queue if you want to encapsulate the linked list in another name) is the way to go for performance as I explained. And yes, I agree that this is more complex to design and develop but this is the price to pay for performance. I bet you will never do that change. You'll buy a higher performance computer.