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No more floating form designer ...WTF! GExperts PLEASE HELP!!!
SteveB42 posted a topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
The removal of the floating form designer is a huge productivity killer. There is no excuse for it's removal. Maybe GExperts can fix this problem? -
Not really works, because enqueued via ForceQueue tasks are not executed after the main form close. So, need to replace it with some explicit implementation: type TScrollingStyleHook = class(TMouseTrackControlStyleHook) public type //... TAsyncDeletion = class private class var FItems: TList; class procedure FreeItems; public class destructor Destroy; class procedure FreeAsync(O: TObject); end; //... end; class destructor TScrollingStyleHook.TAsyncDeletion.Destroy; begin TThread.RemoveQueuedEvents(nil, FreeItems); FreeItems; end; class procedure TScrollingStyleHook.TAsyncDeletion.FreeAsync(O: TObject); begin if FItems = nil then begin FItems := TList.Create; TThread.ForceQueue(nil, FreeItems); end; FItems.Add(O); end; class procedure TScrollingStyleHook.TAsyncDeletion.FreeItems; var itm: TObject; begin if FItems <> nil then begin for itm in FItems do TObject(itm).Free; FreeAndNil(FItems); end; end; This version works fine.
It's looks like carefully hidden stuff, but PostMessage is there: class procedure TThread.Synchronize(...); begin //... if Assigned(WakeMainThread) then WakeMainThread(SyncProcPtr.SyncRec.FThread); //... end; procedure TApplication.WakeMainThread(Sender: TObject); begin PostMessage(Handle, WM_NULL, 0, 0); end; procedure TApplication.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); begin //... WM_NULL: CheckSynchronize; // Executes accumulated tasks. //... end; There simply no other ways, main thread executes message loop infinitely.
ANN: Parnassus Parallel Debugger
David Millington replied to Dave Millington (personal)'s topic in Delphi Third-Party
That is the right place. Thanks! Those errors are in the debugger itself, not the Parallel Debugger plugin... but the plugin stresses / uses the debugger a lot more than the IDE does, so it's more likely to find issues when they exist 😞 Sorry about that. Please file bugs with debugger logs turned on, so we can solve them: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Enabling_logging_for_the_RAD_Studio_debuggers -
To avoid flooding another thread with unrelated posts about VCL quality and bugs, I have opened this topic for discussion about VCL in general and VCL Styles. First, I would like to respond to comment made by @Attila Kovacs VCL is not abandoned, not even close. Maybe it is not receiving too many new features as people would hope so, but it has more to do with its maturity than anything else. FMX (is) was in frenzy development cycle, only because it didn't have the needed features VCL already had, and it still does not have all. So it may have seemed that FMX is getting all the love and attention, but that was not the case. Many new Windows related features introduced since FMX has come to play, are still VCL only. Keep in mind that IDE is based on VCL, and I don't see that changing in foreseeable future. VCL is evolving and it will continue to evolve. It is not that FMX is new better, improved framework mean to replace VCL for all purposes, it is framework with completely different architecture and it covers different use cases. While some functionality certainly overlaps, and there are (Windows only) applications where both VCL and FMX can be chosen, there are also applications where VCL is far better (and sometimes, even only viable) choice. VCL Styles are buggy, they have been buggy since they were introduced in XE2. But, they are now part of the IDE. That means two things. First, IDE is now suffering from some bugs, but it also means that those bugs will get fixed sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, not all bugs can be solved overnight, and the more specific, reproducible bug reports there are, the higher are chances that those bugs will get a fix. If you have any filed VCL bug reports you might want to share, please do so.
For this you should configure replication on the server IMHO that works best.
No more floating form designer ...WTF! GExperts PLEASE HELP!!!
dummzeuch replied to SteveB42's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Wasn't there an option now to have the embedded form designer on one screen and put an undocked secondary editor window on a second screen? I seem to remember reading a blog post about this. -
How about this one? class procedure TStyleEngine.DoRemoveControl(Control: TWinControl); begin if not (csDestroying in Control.ComponentState) and (FControls <> nil) and FControls.ContainsKey(Control) then begin var Hook := FControls.Items[Control]; TThread.ForceQueue(nil, procedure begin Hook.Free; end); FControls.Remove(Control); end; end; There may be more efficient solutions, such as adding the hooks for deletion to a List and process that list on idle time or on Hook creation.
Understood. But I identified it, and wanted to let you know.
The IDE theming support in 10.2.3 is much more buggy and quirky than in the newer versions. I'm sorry, but I am not going to fix that as long as the workaround is to simply re-open that dialog.
I've replaced the treeview with a frame to remove the mess with the second pair of unneeded scrollbar windows. I've simulated some resource allocation on WM_CREATE in a frame, which is then freed on WM_DESTROY, similar to tree view. Run the demo. Switch to any VCL Style. Press "Bring to front" button. Close the form Source.zip
As @David Millington mentioned, we have been working with the R&D team to share tips learned to help speed up VCL applications under remote desktop - to read about it, including a code sample see: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/how-to-speed-up-remote-desktop-applications/
"I:\GExperts\Projects\DelphiXx104Sydney\GExpertsRS104.dproj" (rebuild target) (1) -> (_PasCoreCompile target) -> I:\GExperts\Source\UsesExpert\GX_UsesExpert.pas(374): error F2613: Unit 'GX_StringGridDrawFix' not found. [I:\GExpert s\Projects\DelphiXx104Sydney\GExpertsRS104.dproj] 0 Warning(s) 1 Error(s) The unit is there, I added it to the project and was able to build. This build seems to have fixed the assertion error I was seeing during shutdown 😉
dpm DPM Package Manager Progress - 8 March 2021
Vincent Parrett posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Hi All Small progress update on DPM - https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM - some tweaks to make it possible to use DPM with projects that use runtime packages. v0.1.54-alpha Release https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM/releases/tag/v0.1.54-alpha Package compilation will now build version info if the package dproj has it enabled. There doesn't appear to be a way to pass that info into msbuild, so I plan to look at updating the dproj file with the correct version info before compilation. Implemented Copy Local feature for runtime packages. For projects that use runtime packages, dpm packages that produce runtime packages will be copied to the output folder. Copy Local is still a little rough around the edges... it doesn't detect if the project actually references the bpl's - that's more difficult than it sounds due to differences between dcp and bpl filenames (libsufffix comes in play here). So for now, you may end up with extra bpl files in your output folder if you use runtime packages. Fixed project group support on install command. Improved handling of relative project file paths. Cleaned up logging. Added batch file for downloading dev dependencies (only needed for developing DPM). -
dpm DPM Package Manager Progress - 8 March 2021
Vincent Parrett replied to Vincent Parrett's topic in Delphi Third-Party
I do, but there's always a chance to learn from others and improve my code 😉 -
dpm DPM Package Manager Progress - 8 March 2021
Uwe Raabe replied to Vincent Parrett's topic in Delphi Third-Party
If you are interested I can provide the relevant code from Project Magician. Not sure how it fits into the existing DPM code, though. I use ProjectMagicianCmd successfully for exactly that purpose with build servers where FinalBuilder is not available. -
ANN: Parnassus Parallel Debugger
pyscripter replied to Dave Millington (personal)'s topic in Delphi Third-Party
@David MillingtonThe features of Parnassus Debugger are great, but I am getting assertion errors with the Parnassus Debugger and Delphi 10.4.2. I am also getting Index out of bounds errors. These occurred while debugging simple Vcl apps (nothing fancy) and they don't occur in the absence of the Parnassus Debugger. Is https://quality.embarcadero.com/ the right place to report issues related to the Parnassus Debugger. -
Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2
Vandrovnik replied to Davide Angeli's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Have you tried without MMX, GExperts etc.? -
Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2
Lajos Juhász replied to Davide Angeli's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Unfortunately no, sometime I also get internal error or Access violation at address 50165C8F in module 'rtl270.bpl'. Read of address 00000000. -
I installed (or rather I re-installed after uninstalling) Delphi 10.4.1. Installation appeared to run smoothly. Once Delphi was installed, inside the IDE I used GetIt to install the Konopka VCL Controls. In the GetIt Package Manager List, this component package is listed as Bonus KSVC 6.2.3. When I click on the Install button the installation window appears and starts the process. But it swiftly ends and I get a message in the installation window as follows: Loading EULAS Cannot load data from the server. "RADStudio.json" metadata file does not exist. Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. A problem occurred during the process. Can anyone please help me determine how to fix this problem? Where is the RADStudio.json file supposed to be. I've searched my hard drive and cannot locate it. Your help will be appreciated. The Konopka VCL Controls are used extensively in my project. Thanks, Randall Carpenter