Hi everyone,
Following fast on my last post, I thought I'd also share another development I've started - a Console Manager for the Delphi IDE.
This is a tool that allows you to spin up a cmd.exe or powershell.exe within a dockable form, localised within the Delphi IDE.
- It is aware of the active project, so it will open up in the directory in which the dproj is located. It is still very alpha as in it just streams stdout/stdin, and not totally pleasant on the eye, but ok for an alpha POC.
- I've got a little slider that allows you to zoom in/out.
- (planning) The ability to have lists of commands / saved environments that could be applied to a newly created session.
This is a POC, and still have some more work to do as I want to embrace the new pseudo console api which was introduced with the new Windows Terminal drive along with the VT emulation which would support colour, repositioning of the cursor, etc.
I have not released this publicly yet, but attached is a short video demonstrating how it works.
If you are interested in accessing it, please send me a mail: conrad.vermeulen@gmail.com. Let me know about what IDEs versions you may be interested in. I think I can do XE8 onwards.
I'll provide more information when it is officially released.