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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/21 in Posts

  1. I wrote an article about Async Tasks in VCL Projects
  2. Angus Robertson

    Is Graphics32 ready for Delphi 11 yet?

    It would be really cool if Embarcadero broke with tradition of ignoring anything older than one year and included a unified include file that provides all the conditions that numerous third party libraries need to keep supporting multiple compilers, which Embarcadero then updated and included with each new release. We could even write it for them. Component vendors would need a one-off update to the new format, and to include the initial version for the existing users, but would no longer need to keep updating their own versions. Angus
  3. mvanrijnen

    Kaspersky and Compile/Linking

    Aks if they can make a few directory/folder exceptions for you, should not be that big a problem.
  4. Anders Melander

    Looking for Spreadsheet component

    I haven't used the Develop Express spreadsheet (except that it seems that all their other controls now has dependencies on it 😞) but I would think it'd be trivial to maintain a dictionary on the side that links objects to cells...? type TCellReference = record Row: integer; Column: integer; end; TCellStuff = TObjectDictionary<TCellReference, TObject>; Also, if the spreadsheet architecture is anything like their other controls, then you should be able to customize what class is used to represent cells.
  5. Bill Meyer

    Looking for Spreadsheet component

    Then from my own experience, I would say you will have to work up your own solution. The DevExpress component is almost certainly the most full-featured of what you will find in the marketplace.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Async Tasks in VCL Projects

    Sources also available on https://github.com/UweRaabe/AsyncTasksInVclProjects
  7. Dave Nottage

    Error when IOS location service is not authorised

    uses iOSapi.CoreLocation; if TCLLocationManager.Create.locationServicesEnabled then // Location services are enabled
  8. You shouldn't add any files to the system directories, either system32 or syswow64. They are for the system.
  9. David Heffernan

    Is Graphics32 ready for Delphi 11 yet?

    Well done. It usually turns out that there's very little that needs to be done to update a library to a new version, but the number of errors can be daunting until you realise that they are all the same error!
  10. RCrandall

    Is Graphics32 ready for Delphi 11 yet?

    Cool! While you were doing that I manned up and tried to find the problem myself. I updated the GR32_Compiler.inc file with some Delphi 11 info along the lines of the previous updated and darned if it didn't compile! I was astonished. Anyway, thank you Anders and I will very cheerfully use your package. My main hope was that Delphi 11 would not have the endless IDE problems with Code Insight and related, and so far it is working perfectly! More astonishment! Some days that start badly just end up being good days after all. Thanks everyone for your help. Cheers, Rob C
  11. Anders Melander

    Is Graphics32 ready for Delphi 11 yet?

    I've just committed updated packages for Delphi 11 and added Delphi 11 to GR32_Compiler.inc (and cleaned it up a bit).
  12. Need an exception logging solution for macOS? In this post we add Intel macOS support to our error reporting building blocks. https://blog.grijjy.com/2021/10/18/build-your-own-error-reporter-part-3-macos-intel/