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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/22 in Posts

  1. In the category Fun with Generics: https://blog.grijjy.com/2022/01/25/crgp/
  2. Joseph MItzen

    Delphi 6 all of a sudden wants to be activated

    I'm going to have nightmares about your VM tonight. This feels like a worthy goal and a horrible nightmare waiting to happen. Too much Delphi mixed all together can't be good. You know that old urban legend where you say "Bloody Mary" three times in a mirror in a dark room and a ghost appears in the mirror? I fear that if you add three more copies of Delphi to your VM and turn out the lights you'll see a faint image of David Intersimone burned into your monitor.
  3. Ferenc

    RS 11 FMX zip file with password

    Hi, Does anybody know a way (component, source code) how we can use password for FMX Android and iOS? I found the TEncryptedZipFile on http://www.uweraabe.de/Blog/2017/05/07/tzipfile-with-password-encryption-part-3/ which worked with RS 10.4. But with RS 11 the created protected zip file cannot be unzipped on another system with a different zip component (VCL), the right password is not right. The component on mobiles can unzip protected files created with another zip component (VCL), it works.
  4. Thanks for clarification, I hadn't recognized from your article that this feature is D5 compatible, sounded D11 related to me, and it looked a little alien to me anyway and ringing my alarm bells Much better that this pattern has such a long history, I was not using D5, but BCB5 at those days, so I'm still learning new features every day.
  5. Let’s Encrypt / ISRG has today fixed a problem in the server software that issues certificates validated with the “TLS Using ALPN” method, that meant some existing certificates could have been incorrectly issued (they estimate 1%) and is therefore revoking those certificates at 16:00 UTC on 28 January 2022. This will cause servers using these certificates to display untrusted warnings in most browsers and applications that check for revocation. ICS applications using servers with Hosts that automatically order SSL certificates using CertChallenge with ChallAlpnApp will be using these soon to be revoked certificates. Although ICS servers check the validity of SSL certificates, they do not currently check for revocation, mainly since this is the first time in 20 years of my using SSL certificates it has happened. So manual intervention is needed in the next two days, simply delete the certificate file specified in the host property SslCert and restart the server. Upon startup, the server will create a self signed certificate to allow it to start, then immediately order a new Let’s Encrypt certificate which should be downloaded and automatically installed within about 15 seconds. If the server application implements regular certificate checking with the RecheckSslCerts method (the OverbyteIcsSslMultiWeb/Ftp samples do that every two hours), the new certificate will be ordered without restarting the server. ICS client application are not directly effected by these certificates being revoked, unless they access servers that have not replaced the revoked certificates and implement certificate chain checking using the Windows store with the SslRevocation property set true. Because checking revocation slows down connection time, many applications don't do it. But I will look at implementing it in ICS for use with our PEM CA bundles and servers in particular. Anyone whose applications have ordered Let's Encrypt certificates that are about to be revoked should have received an email warning already. https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/2022-01-25-issue-with-tls-alpn-01-validation-method/170450 Angus
  6. Uwe Raabe

    RS 11 FMX zip file with password

    I will have a look ASAP.
  7. John Terwiske

    SQLite truncating values?

    That isn't true. https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html SQLite's storage class idea is a different. That might be what you mean when you speak of string and varchar?
  8. aehimself

    SQLite truncating values?

    As far as I am aware, SQLite was designed to be a small, "engineless", flatfile data storage which can be queried just like any RDBMS. It never meant to have all the functionality of those, it simply provided an alternate, standardized way to store, and quickly access information. Therefore, limitations. Quite few, and easily workaround-able, imo, though.
  9. Anders Melander

    task thread priority?

    Unless you actually understand what and why the Windows thread scheduler does it's generally better to leave that stuff alone. It's a classic newbie mistake to think that one can make a thread run faster/better by raising its priority. https://blog.codinghorror.com/thread-priorities-are-evil/
  10. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-36887
  11. Darian Miller

    Delphi 6 all of a sudden wants to be activated

    And of course... after a few attempts at twiddling the registry, it works. Not sure what fixed it..
  12. Darian Miller

    Delphi 6 all of a sudden wants to be activated

    Same thing has happened to me... unfortunately no apparent work around. Tried the suggestion from @pmos
  13. vhanla

    Using the New Edge browser control

    None of them worked, I also tried recommended version from http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Using_TEdgeBrowser_Component_and_Changes_to_the_TWebBrowser_Component 0.9.430 which fails with access error, newer versions don't show any error messages, just creates a directory called appname.exe.WebView2 which is empty unlike previous one, which fills with a bunch of files and directories but fails. I installed and copied files from fixed cab too (from https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/ to include EmbeddedBrowserWebView.dll I have Edge canary and stable installed, both 64 bits. MyApps compiled and tried x86 and x64. dlls respectively, none of them works. --- IMHO, new fixed approach (from that installer page) seems just like CEF embedded, almost like shipping your own web browser, wasting more RAM unless you take full advantage of web technologies, I'd prefer old EdgeHTML approach (aka. WebView1.0 for Win32) it works nicely for simple tasks. https://stackoverflow.com/a/52788855/537347 I wish they'd give more freedom like CEF4Delphi, specially when using system notifications (from webpage), which is still attached to its runtime executables, also audio sessions. Both versions are like that, WebView for Win32 v1.0 and newer v2. https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/WebView2Feedback/issues/4 CEF4Delphi as far as I remember allows to identify web notifications from your application. While Edge's embedded gives Win32WebViewHost (for previous version), and for this new one, it shows a description for desktop notification from web viewer (in your locale) which doesn't give any way to notify users which application's the notification came from, i.e. all programs using WebView2 will notifiy (web notifications) with the same application identifier (hardcoded by Microsoft).
  14. Vincent Parrett

    Using the New Edge browser control

    Hmmm... another new feature in delphi that doesn't actually work properly.. I think I'll give it a miss for now.
  15. aehimself

    Delphi 6 all of a sudden wants to be activated

    Especially if our own code is doing things like this. God, how many hours we already spent debugging something which only triggers when several, rare conditions are met 🙂