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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/22 in Posts

  1. You might be interested in the Delta property of TFDQuery.
  2. Maybe its not the file itself but the project that's broken?
  3. Best way WRT databases is generated SQL stored at client side or a change log stored in a table. But it could be tricky. Anyway the question is too broad to give concrete answers.
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Function with 2 return values ?

    TDoubleDouble - we really need to mark what's inside 🙂
  5. The file is only 29KB. I can open in Notepad++ fine. I can launch Delphi and do File | Open and it opens fine. I don't see anything unusual. The problem is when i open my Project file and then click on it to open/edit the file it won't open. And it does me no good to open it in Delphi by itself because as soon as i open my Project File it closes that individual file. Its a Catch / 22. LOL
  6. Dave Nottage

    [Android] App does not answer anymore

    You do not indicate what library you are using. Is it this one (or similar)? https://github.com/jimmckeeth/FireMonkey-Android-Voice Where you have "impossible to do something", you do not indicate exactly what it is your code is doing. Nor do you show what it is doing in the timer handler. Given that code executes, it's quite possible that the SpeechRecognition1Recognition event is executing outside of the main thread, which may account for the other issues you are seeing. If that is the case, you could use a construct like this: procedure TForm1.SpeechRecognition1Recognition(Sender: TObject; Guess: string); begin TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin G_Heard := Guess; // Execute your other code, here end ); end;
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Apps not appearing in right task bar??

    Probably this is another consequence of the fact the simplest Delphi forms app actually has two windows - one hidden for Application and one for main form. The catch is that hidden window looks main for OS.
  8. Cristian Peța

    Function with 2 return values ?

    You can return a record: TTotalCostResult = record TotalCost: Double; TotalCostWıthExp: Double; end; function GetBomCosts(ItemCode:String): TTotalCostResult;
  9. Serge_G

    Function with 2 return values ?

    Hi, only a single result but you can change to function GetBomCosts(const ItemCode : String; var value1, value2 : Double) : boolean begin with TFDQuery.Create do begin Value1:=0; value2:=0; Connection:= FDConnection1; SQL.Text:='SELECT itemcode,value1,value2 from table where code='+quotedstr(itemcode); active:=true; if fieldbyname('Itemcode').isNull then result:=false else begin value1:=FieldByName('value1').asFloat; value2:=FieldByName('value2').asFloat; result:=true; end; active:=false; end; end;
  10. @de la Mancha- you asked and got a relevant answer from someone known for doing heavy math with Delphi. No reason to be rude.