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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/23 in all areas

  1. baka0815

    [Patch] Formatter: more options for uses

    I create a new "Feature Request" with a new unittest unit: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/163/ If you have any comments feel free to get back at me.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    Object files for Google Snappy C API?

    The quality of posts is far more important than the quantity of posts. Focus on the quality of your posts, and you'll have no complaints.
  3. dummzeuch

    Error building rev 3943

    I saw the bug report on Sourceforge first (thanks to whoever kgmccoy is). Yes, I forgot to add the form. Goes to show that it's a bad idea to have uncommited changes laying around. Fixed now with revision #3944.
  4. No, its knowledge base is static. It only remembers its answers within a given session. If you start a new one, it will repeat the same mistakes. It also is not really good at learning within a session. I tried to correct it regarding the procedure extraction functionality and it kept repeating that it is a feature of GExperts.
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    Beep for Firemonkey

    hi @david berneda my contribution for your project, if it's possible! Keyboard colored to find your Musical Notes ( no "IF" anymore ) Play with mouse click Play with mouse moviment... (Ctrl + Mouse moving) Play your song notes (type your notes and play it) FMX_Piano_Keyboard_with_code_by_David_Berneda.zip
  6. Dear visitors,  We are offering an excellent opportunity to get 35% off on our Next Suite Delphi (VCL) Components. Just use CHRISTMAS coupon code on the checkout page to get 35% off.  Click here for Online Store and Prices .  NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component. Next Collection 6 - A set of smaller components that are both useful and easy to use. new Next Canvas Application - a drawing application that wysiwyg convert your drawings into a valid Delphi TCanvas code.    and many more.  Few screenshots:     Download big demo project from: http://www.bergsoft.net/downloads/vcl/demos/nxsuite6_demo.zip    BergSoft Home Page: bergsoft.net Members Section: bms.bergsoft.net Articles and Tutorials: help.bergsoft.net -- BergSoft Facebook page
  7. f.m

    Choose a Folder dialog

    Perhaps SelectDirectory() from FMX.Dialogs could be beneficial. It is implemented for Windows and macOS platforms. It is not implemented for Android nor iOS. var LDirectory : String; if SelectDirectory('Test' {Title}, '' {Root}, LDirectory {out}) then begin // selected.. ShowMessage(LDirectory); end;