SVN and the overnight zip add new client and server components for the MQTT protocol based on work at updated heavily for SSL support.
I notice the original Github repository has been forked over 70 times, so presumably at least that many people were interested in using MQTT, however I'm not sure a person, so while I can see the sample client and server sending data to each other, the new components really need to be tested in a better environment against other clients and servers. Who can help?
Also, I used Geoffrey Smith's fork, after discussion in this forum, but wonder if any of the other 70 forks have useful additions?
So if you use MQTT, please try and look at this new version, so any changes and improvements can be done in the new month before it released and becomes harder.
I deliberately renamed TMQTTParser to TIcsMQTTParser, TMQTTClient to TIcsMQTTClient and TMQTTServer to TIcsMQTTServer to avoid conflicts if the original units are installed, otherwise the new units should be compatible with the original, but with added SSL/TLS if anyone uses that.