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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/23 in Posts

  1. According to Matthias Eissing (Embarcadero Germany) it's based on Delphi 11.3 pro including Patch 1. The usual restrictions apply: No command line compiler, license valid for 1 year, restricted to non commercial or "low commercial" use. Announcement in the German Delphi Praxis: https://www.delphipraxis.net/212933-delphi-community-edition-11-verfuegbar.html#post1521576 Announcement on the Embarcadero website: https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter
  2. Delphi 11 Community Edition based on 11.3.1 Pro
  3. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    "An E-Smart is a pretty fast and comfortable car!" - grandma who only ever drives to the local grocery store.
  4. baka0815

    GExperts Favorites as WP-Plugin

    I'm currently experimenting with the ToolsAPI.WelcomePage API a bit and created a plugin for the GExperts favorites. My current work is a bit hacky, therefore there is currently no patch or something. I include the ToolsAPI.WelcomePage unit in the GX_FavFiles and have a separate type for the plugin there: TGXWelcomePagePlugin = class(TInterfacedObject, INTAWelcomePagePlugin, INTAWelcomePageContentPluginCreator) private FIconIndex: Integer; FView: TFrame; FFavoriteFilesExpert: TFavoriteFilesExpert; public constructor Create(const AFavoriteFilesExpert: TFavoriteFilesExpert); destructor Destroy; override; { INTAWelcomePagePlugin } function GetPluginID: string; function GetPluginName: string; function GetPluginVisible: Boolean; { INTAWelcomePageContentPluginCreator } function GetView: TFrame; function CreateView: TFrame; procedure DestroyView; function GetIcon: TGraphicArray; function GetIconIndex: Integer; procedure SetIconIndex(const Value: Integer); end; The AfterIDEInitialized procedure calls the creation of the plugin via the RegisterWelcomePage method. This does not work on first try, so there is a timer to catch the moment the WelcomePagePluginService is finally availabe. If anyone knows of a different way to register the plugin, please let me know! A dedicated, global "Register" procedure as used for BPL-Plugins didn't work. procedure TFavoriteFilesExpert.RegisterWelcomePage(Sender: TObject); begin // The WelcomePagePluginService might not be initialized the first time we get here, // so try again at a later time. if not Assigned(WelcomePagePluginService) then begin if (not Assigned(FPluginTimer)) then begin FPluginTimer := TTimer.Create(nil); FPluginTimer.OnTimer := RegisterWelcomePage; FPluginTimer.Interval := 2000; end; FPluginTimer.Enabled := True; end else begin FPluginTimer.Enabled := False; if (Assigned(FPluginTimer)) then FreeAndNil(FPluginTimer); WelcomePagePluginService.RegisterPluginCreator(TGXWelcomePagePlugin.Create(Self)); end; end; The welcome page gets the favorites expert as a parameter to be able to access the options (it may be sufficient to just pass the options). Then in the CreateView method I create a TfmFavFiles form and "steal" the tvFolders and pnlFiles objects and change the parent to the plugin view. function TGXWelcomePagePlugin.CreateView: TFrame; var FavFiles: TfmFavFiles; begin if not Assigned(FView) then begin FView := WelcomePagePluginService.CreateCaptionFrame(sPluginID, sPluginName, nil); FavFiles := TfmFavFiles.Create(nil, FFavoriteFilesExpert.FOptions); FavFiles.tvFolders.Parent := FView; FavFiles.pnlFiles.Parent := FView; end; Result := FView; end; This works form me, but is not in a state that I would like to upstream the work, so any input is greatly appreciated!
  5. https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/4799-how-to-create-an-object-instance-from-its-class-name/
  6. Remy Lebeau

    Compiler Linker Question

    If you want the arrays contiguous, then why not just use a single array? const itemSize = 65; numItems = 3; var items: array[0..(itemSize*numItems)-1] of AnsiChar; function item1: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[0]; end; function item2: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[itemSize*1]; end; function item3: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[itemSize*2]; end; Or: const itemSize = 65; numItems = 3; type itemType = array[0..itemSize-1] of AnsiChar; var items: array[0..numItems-1] of itemType; function item1: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[0][0]; end; function item2: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[1][0]; end; function item3: PAnsiChar; begin Result := @items[2][0]; end;
  7. Tommi Prami

    VCL-Bitmap rescaler

    Nice work. Couple of points that are not that big of a deal, just think about them. Split the unit into maybe three units. For low level utils and types For TTask versions "Thread pool" unit, so if not used, threads are not initialized to consume memory (as pointed out in comments CPU and human time is small, but some might like to save the memory) Change repository name to something more describing. Like ThreadedResampler or something like that. Not to critisize, but was just thinking would those changes make sense to you, not 100% sure are they good idea or not.
  8. Dave Nottage

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    Is this a project created in an earlier version of Delphi? If so, you may need to follow the step described here.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    OK, let me reword it this way: I would rather switch my settings or find another workaround than going back to 11.2!
  10. Glenn Dufke

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    To fix the incorrectly positioned toolbar, do the following: Close the IDE Open registry editor Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0 Delete the Toolbar node Start the IDE again and it is now reset to default position and scaling.