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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/23 in Posts

  1. Uwe Raabe

    looking for a "special" checkbox component

    Come on - it's a meme - it has to be silly.
  2. aehimself

    looking for a "special" checkbox component

    I advise against the use of TCheckBox or similar for such an input. There are multiple reasons: "greyed" state doesn't clearly mean "not sure" AND you might have to click twice to change your answer from one answer to the other. I'd suggest to have three radio buttons, right next to each other, with each column having a title; like an online questionare. Somthing like this:
  3. Der schöne Günther

    Where does Delphi store the list of command line parameters?

    [RSP-15829] Allow to specify exception types to ignore per project - Embarcadero Technologies
  4. Der schöne Günther

    Where does Delphi store the list of command line parameters?

    You wouldn't believe how much I crave for them to store the "ignore the following exception types" locally, and at project level.
  5. Come ooooon .... who needs that clunky stick-like thing from the last century
  6. Die Holländer

    looking for a "special" checkbox component

    Its also a bit silly to compare a full user-info input screen with a single drop-down or touch button.. 🤪
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Addictive software??

    Hunspell is the spell checker of LibreOffice, OpenOffice.org, Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird, Google Chrome, and it is also used by proprietary software packages, like macOS, InDesign, memoQ, Opera and SDL Trados I guess it's more reliable than a proprietary product of a some unknown company
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    looking for a "special" checkbox component

    Well, business software and user software are two different things. I'd prefer many controls on a single form instead of tens of tabs with 2-3 controls on each (if you have to loop through all of them anyway). Just like a launchpad of an airplane. I doubt pilots would want to change all these buttons to a single touch screen.
  9. Tommi Prami

    Call for Delphi 12 Support in OpenSource projects.

    I get the points raised. But if you are in not under NDA, making a guess what defines you might need to tweak into .inc file or put into the package, can't violate the NDA. If you are under NDA and just publish packages and/or project files etc, Emba would shoot them self to the foot if they would enforce it in that case, IMHO. But seen stupider things done, so never know 😄 Problem of the NDA is, I assume, that you can't even ask for help, from lets say, how to add D12 support for the Jcl. But I might be cunning and ask how did you make support for the D11,x And try to duplicate the process. And this is kind of funny, because everyone knows few people that has D12 beta, and are under NDA most likely. And Embarcadero it self leaks that information. But person can't say anything and has to dance around. I understand that there must be some kind of limitations under beta, but making things too tight sure puts everyone in beta in position that they have to do more work that they should. Also most likely can't test everything that they would like to, But this is just pointless rambling because it will not affect the company policy for sure... -Tee-
  10. martini002

    Remote Delphi developer position

    I'm really impressed with the unfair judgment made here. We already have a team of developers working in important private project owned by the company I represent, and at this point I have hired 4 new developers this week and interviewed more than 20 in the last two weeks, they faced this job offer very positively, rather than you, this is a specific job that could last for 6 months at least, we need the development to be continued using the already implemented components, such like TMS; I don't see the problem with it. Really! If you don't like this job proposal then dismiss it, don't waste time and effort in things that you don't like, don't think you?
  11. Dalija Prasnikar

    Strange Benchmark Results; Am I Missing Something?

    LOL I should have known better than doing math first thing on Sunday morning.
  12. pyscripter

    Spell Checker implementation?

    There were many options mentioned in this thread, but there was no mention of the most obvious one at least on Windows: the built-in Windows spellchecker available since Windows 8. There many advantages compared to the options discussed here. It is free. Very easy to use. Minimal code to add to your project. No need to distribute dictionaries. If the user wants a given language dictionary they can get it through Windows language settings. It persists words added, ignored and autocorrected. It detects duplicate words. I got the idea from Ian Boyed's answer in this Stackoverflow question, but I could not find a Delphi translation of the Windows Spellcheck API. So I created my own. It is included in the attached zip file, along with a demo program. SpellCheck.zip