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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/23 in all areas

  1. You may have noticed that the OpenSSL 1.1.1 series will reach End of Life (EOL) next Monday... Most sensible options are to switch to 3.0 or 3.1 as soon as possible. But we also discovered that switching to OpenSSL 3.0 could led into big performance regressions... so which version do we need to use? 😮 I just published a blog article about this, and also how we tried to leverage any incompatibility issue within the mORMot OpenSSL layer: https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2023/09/08/End-Of-Live-OpenSSL-1.1-vs-Slow-OpenSSL-3.0
  2. Alexander Elagin

    Help needed for importing a WSDL

    There are two pairs of methods which differ only in register (getDocumentData / GetDocumentData and getDocumentStatus / GetDocumentStatus), that's why the imported module does not compile. Simply change these definitions like this, marking them as overloaded: function getDocumentStatus(const parameters: getDocumentStatus2): getDocumentStatusResponse2; stdcall; overload; and the unit will at least compile successfully. I have no idea if it will work as intended - hopefully yes because the parameters differ. As for the "cannot unwrap" note, this is pretty normal. This means that the importer could not extract individual parameters and imported them instead together as a class, this usually does not cause problems. Just take care with memory management.
  3. Come ooooon .... who needs that clunky stick-like thing from the last century
  4. Cristian Peța

    Android app - reading barcodes/QR codes

    I suppose the test app is crashing. But you need the library and it is not so hard to use. fScanBitmap is a FMX.Graphics.TBitmap ScanManager := TScanManager.Create(TBarcodeFormat.Auto, nil); try ReadResult := ScanManager.Scan(fScanBitmap); finally ReadResult.Free; ScanManager.Free; end;
  5. Anders Melander

    User Drawing of Lines and Curves

  6. FPiette

    Win32, Win64, WinRT and now... WinARM ?????

    I don't know for Lenovo, Dell or HP, but for assembled desktop PC on demand, here in my country, the price here is much less than equivalent Apple computer.