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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/24 in Posts

  1. Why would you stream the pointers? They only have any meaning inside each application as a reference to a memory position.
  2. Community version has very strict requirements considering who can use it. If you are earning money with your older Delphi version, then you definitely cannot use the community edition. Even if you don't earn money with it, you may get in trouble because community edition is cannot coexist with other Delphi versions not only on the same computer, but also on the same local network. If you think you have grounds for using it, you should check with Embarcadero officials first about your particular use case to avoid potential issues.
  3. In terms of Delphi, the best way forward to put apps on Google Play Store is to use Delphi 12, since you need to target API level 33. You might be able to use Delphi 11.3 CE, however you'd need to consider any functionality used that might not work in Android 13 or higher, particularly taking/selecting photos.
  4. aehimself

    Typo in TWMDPI record in Delphi 10 Seattle ?

    It seems the typo was not very long lived. Delphi 10 Seattle Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 2
  5. Brian Evans

    GetWindowHandle + Ctrl V

    The replacement (SendInput function (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn) specifically mentions applications are permitted to inject input only into applications that are at an equal or lesser integrity level. Likely the same applies to the older API. This blocking just silently does nothing - no keys arrive.
  6. You could tell us a bit about yourself too. Experience, interests, What version of RAD Studio you have etc etc. Do you have any C++ expertise ?
  7. I don't, but I know how to let the remote work find you: Answer questions on stackoverflow. Answer questions here. Participate in open-source projects. Of course, it helps immensely if you can do that within a narrow field of expertise (to minimize the competition) - or better than most. If you can stomach the self-promoting nonsense in the LinkedIn Delphi group you can also try posting there. I don't use it myself (as I wouldn't be able to behave). ...and start by changing your screen name. I assume your last name isn't 23668... If I wanted to I could live off the remote & freelance offers I get because my name comes up when clients google for info on some special tech they need help with.