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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/24 in Posts

  1. Delphi 12.2 is now available for download from https://my.embarcadero.com/.
  2. Achim Kalwa

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    Must be rocket science to fix that...
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    Remember to manually uninstall all Parnassus plugins before you start the update! The auto-uninstall initiated by the setup is not able to handle that.
  4. I've added "Embarcadero Customers" to sharing, so hopefully this helps.
  5. pyscripter

    TParallelArray Documentation?

    This is the public interface: TParallelArrayForProc<T> = reference to procedure (const AValues: array of T; AFrom, ATo: NativeInt); TParallelArray = class public class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: array of T; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>); overload; static; class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: array of T; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt); overload; static; class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: array of T; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt; APool: TThreadPool; AThreshold: NativeInt); overload; static; class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: TArray<T>; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>); overload; static; inline; class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: TArray<T>; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt); overload; static; inline; class procedure &For<T>(const AValues: TArray<T>; const AProc: TParallelArrayForProc<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt; APool: TThreadPool; AThreshold: NativeInt); overload; static; inline; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: array of T); overload; static; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: array of T; const AComparer: IComparer<T>); overload; static; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: array of T; const AComparer: IComparer<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt; APool: TThreadPool); overload; static; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: TArray<T>); overload; static; inline; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: TArray<T>; const AComparer: IComparer<T>); overload; static; inline; class procedure Sort<T>(var AValues: TArray<T>; const AComparer: IComparer<T>; AIndex, ACount: NativeInt; APool: TThreadPool); overload; static; inline; class property ForThreshold: NativeInt read FForThreshold write FForThreshold default 50000; class property SortThreshold: NativeInt read FSortThreshold write FSortThreshold default 5000; end;
  6. Assuming the warning relates to TList,Items[Index] changing from Integer to NativeInt, I created alternative versions of the SetItem and GetItem functions with NativeInt. Our library needs to support older versions like 12.1 without warnings so DEFINES for 12.2 and later complicate it, you can probably just change a few Integers to NativeInt. Angus
  7. Great. Swap a warning in 12.2 with an error in earlier versions.
  8. Frickler

    "Death to WITH" in your Delphi Code

    Syntactic sugar. It does nothing more than that begin-end, but makes it clear (to me) that "B" is defined only for the purpose of abbreviating that expression.
  9. Will this not cause an issue with earlier DELPHI versions?
  10. AFAIK, there is no legal syntax to avoid this warning. The only way I know of is locally suppressing it: ... {$WARN OVERLOADING_ARRAY_PROPERTY OFF} property Items[Index : TColumnIndex] : TVirtualTreeColumn read GetItem write SetItem; default; ... end; {$WARN OVERLOADING_ARRAY_PROPERTY DEFAULT}
  11. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I cannot find those tickets on the QP portal.
  12. corneliusdavid

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    The feature matrix has been updated.
  13. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    Is there a list somewhere? Os is it still secret?
  14. No, it is not. It also breaks the deprecated code formatter. Unfortunately, we must wait until Delphi 15 to use this new feature.
  15. Angus Robertson

    Websocket Server

    The OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ sample serves both web and websocket pages, since all websocket requests start with an HTTP request to port 80/443. But you can remove all the code relating to creating web pages from the sample, the OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebxx units, etc, leaving just the default page and websocket handlers ClientWSxx and WSxx which do the websocket events. I will look at a new simple web server sample, similar to the client snippet samples, but unlikely to be ready for the next release. Angus
  16. Glenn Dufke

    Registration Limit

    That's not the correct place to contact. Now, when you have an active update subscription - besides always having access to the latest Delphi releases which is important nowadays - getting registration bumps is pretty straight forward and resolved quickly through support. When your active update subscription is expired, which it is in your case according to your initial post, you would have to contact your reseller (If you got your license through that in your home country) or Embarcadero sales directly to get the license bumped. They might offer you a renewal or new license depending on your status, but it isn't a requirement, you can decline the offer and just request a license bump. https://www.embarcadero.com/company/contact-sales As it is a perpetual license, you can keep continuing using that version. You can manually check your registration limit yourself if you need to reinstall in the future. I wrote a guide here: https://docs.code-kungfu.com/books/licensing-and-registration/page/how-to-check-your-registration-limit Hope it helps.
  17. Daniele Teti

    DelphiMVCFramework-3.2.2-nitrogen has been released

    Yes, is ussable, and used, in production. Some numers to get to the point. DMVCFramework is the most popular Delphi REST/JSONRPC framework on git hub (stars numbers). It is used by banks, chemical industries, telco, hospitals, team viewver competitors, many big companies... and also middle and small companies. It is in production since 2010 and there is a book translated in 3 languages about it (http://www.danieleteti.it/books/). It is supported by a number of companies and has many sponsors. There are 37 contributors all around the world. There is also an (almost) 5K facebook group to get help (check the project home page on github for more informations). Feel free to give it a try, and ask if you are in trouble.