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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/24 in Posts

  1. Greetings to All!. I've built (TSignInWithGoogle) a basic component to integrate Google Sign-in into your Android app using Credential Manager, adhering to Google's most recent guidelines. I'll leave it here for anyone who might find it useful!. Here the link: https://github.com/MEStackCodes/SignInWithGoogleDelphi
  2. Die Holländer

    Meta-Delphi question about web hosting..

    or https://thinfinity-vui-v3-docs.cybelesoft.com/ It seems it delivers the whole environment needed.. Delphi Demo
  3. Marc Meumann

    TChart in Delphi 10.0 vs Delphi 12.2

    " included in RAD studio 13 at earliest?" Hopefully we'll get there long before that, it shouldn't be too complicated to resolve.
  4. There was a change in V15.1.10 that prohibits the Auto-Scan until the search window is visible. I had a couple of reports about errors regarding hidden windows in this area. Seems I have to think about a more sophisticated fix for that. Perhaps prohibiting the display instead of the search would be more suitable.
  5. A FMX (or VCL) application is not a Web application. The best way, if you need to have a full Delphi Web dev project, is to use a framework like TMS Web Core : https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmswebcore.asp or UniGui : https://www.unigui.com/ both creating web applications in Delphi.
  6. Angus Robertson

    Meta-Delphi question about web hosting..

    You need a data centre hosted server, either a physical machine you rent or own, or a virtual private server running on data centre hardware, you then have complete control over what applications are installed, not sure why you want FMX unless for Linux. I have a hosted Dell rack server in one data centre, and a secondary VPS in another, running all my Delphi servers. But many companies just order virtual servers from Azure, AWS and others, which have the benefit of scaling, but can be horribly expensive. Azure seems easy to buy, I've been getting spam emails from 50 or more Azure VPSs in India, USA, Netherlands and the UK, Microsoft seems to sell VPS to anyone. Angus
  7. vfbb

    Exception logging/reporting on MacOS?

    @Alexander Halser A few years ago I made a tutorial on how to explore iOS app crash, but the same applies to macOS as well. Take a look especially at Step 4 - Symbolizing the crash file.
  8. ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 5.80 just released! https://www.almdev.com https://www.delphistyles.com StyleControls VCL is a powerful, stable package of components, which uses Classic drawing, system Themes, GDI+ and VCL Styles. This package contains the unique solutions to extend standard VCL controls and also has many unique, advanced controls to create applications with UWP / Fluent UI design.
  9. I can reproduce the issue. Interestingly, if you don't use the TRttiContext and just assign the ColorProp directly to the TValue then TValue.ToString() works as expected: //Val := AColorProp.GetValue(ColorObj); Val := ColorObj.ColorProp; // Val.ToString now returns '4294303411' In both cases, the numeric value (inside the TValue.FAsULong field) is correct, but the RTTI for the value different - in the first case, the TValue.FTypeInfo belongs to TAlphaColor, but in the second case the TValue.FTypeInfo belongs to Cardinal instead! Both RTTIs have Kind=tkInteger and OrdType=otULong, so the numeric value is stored in TValue.FAsULong and TValue.ToString() formats as a UInt64. But, the TValue.AsUInt64 property getter behaves differently on the two RTTI types: function TValue.AsUInt64: UInt64; begin if not IsEmpty then begin if FTypeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Int64) then Exit(FAsSInt64) else if FTypeInfo = System.TypeInfo(UInt64) then Exit(FAsUInt64) else if FTypeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Cardinal) then Exit(FAsULong) // <-- SECOND CASE else if FTypeInfo^.Kind = tkInteger then Exit(AsInteger); // <-- FIRST CASE end; AsTypeInternal(Result, System.TypeInfo(UInt64)); end; function TValue.AsInteger: Integer; begin if not IsEmpty then begin if FTypeInfo = System.TypeInfo(Integer) then Exit(FAsSLong) else if FTypeInfo^.Kind = tkInteger then case GetTypeData(FTypeInfo)^.OrdType of otSByte: Exit(FAsSByte); otSWord: Exit(FAsSWord); otSLong: Exit(FAsSLong); else Exit(FAsULong); // <-- FIRST CASE end; end; AsTypeInternal(Result, System.TypeInfo(Integer)); end; In the first case, TValue.FTypeInfo does not belong to either UInt64 or Cardinal (it belongs to TAlphaColor), so the TValue.FAsULong field (whose unsigned value is 4294303411, hex $FFF5DEB3) first gets converted to a signed Integer, resulting in a negative value of -663885 (hex $FFF5DEB3), which is then converted up to a sign-extended UInt64, resulting in a large unsigned value of 18446744073708887731 (hex $FFFFFFFFFFF5DEB3). In the second case, the TValue.FTypeInfo belongs to Cardinal (an unsigned type), so the TValue.FAsUlong field (hex $FFF5DEB3) is converted as-is to a zero-extended UInt64, preserving the original value (hex $00000000FFF5DEB3).
  10. Marc Meumann

    TChart in Delphi 10.0 vs Delphi 12.2

    The example code is useful. It looks, at first glance, like a a bug ...to be investigated. Temporary workaround could be to directly control the Axis Items list after adding the data: Chart2.Axes.Left.Items.Clear; Chart2.Axes.Left.Items.Add(9,seriesC); Chart2.Axes.Left.Items.Add(5,seriesA); Chart2.Axes.Left.Items.Add(8,seriesB);
  11. dummzeuch

    What is your Update Process?

    I usually don't prepare anything. I just run the update installer and expect it to simply work (which it mostly does). Having said that, I don't use GetIt to install anything apart from patches and I always compile components and - if possible - plugins from source, so the possibilities for the installer to mess up are limited. Also, I am not using the current Delphi version for production work (apart from the obvious maintenance for GExperts and a few other version specific tools), so if an update goes wrong, it won't be a catastrophe, unless it breaks an older Delphi version too.