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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/24 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    How to get the version of Delphi that the App is built with?

    You can use the CompilerVersion constant. See system.pas The question really is: Why do you need this information at all? The users doesn't need it and supposedly you yourself know which version you used...
  2. And I reported it on Embarcadero Quality Portal : Problem with Brace Highlight in IDE editor - RAD Studio Service - Jira Service Management
  3. I've been experimenting with an integrated playground IDE plugin for the Sempare Template Engine ( https://github.com/sempare/sempare-delphi-template-engine or via GetIt). The template engine is available under Apache 2.0 and has been around for years, and has backward capability back to XE4. The playground plugin is similar to the standalone playground demo app that exists in the project. Anyways, I decided it was time to have a richer IDE experience. My initial development currently it supports: - highlighting (script tags, comments, numbers, strings) - toggling whitespace visibility - IDE Options Dialog allows you to customise options (overriding defaults which are IDE theme aware) - Supports prototyping templates against mock data (in json files) - Supports script tags <% %> or {{ }} - Real-time validation of templates and evaluation/preview - Preview as raw text or in a browser As I changed the license of the template engine to be Apache from GPL, this will be available initially to supporters of the project. More to follow... Any other ideas/improvement suggestions welcome. Here are some screenshots:
  4. Die Holländer

    Putting Delphi Application inside web page

    Maybe they should be clear about the costs instead of you must contacting sales. I think this is a hurdle for many developers. (Normally you see this when the costs is high..) Just put some system senarios on the webpage with the costs needed. Even with (bit complex) MS-Azure subscription, for example, it is possible to do an overview of the costs.
  5. gidesa

    ANN: New Opencv v. 4.6 C++ API wrapper

    Hello again, released many improvements and new examples: - classes that encapsulate OCV vectors and pointers. - a component to write movies from a video stream. - an example for movie writing, - an example that uses Machine Learning classifiers to recognize handwritten digits. - a detailed documentation See at https://github.com/gidesa/ocvWrapper46
  6. HTMLValidator.com

    ICS 9.3 and C++ compiler errors

    Well, after playing around, I added these two lines to OverbyteIcsTypes.hpp (after '#include <System.SysUtils.hpp>') and it worked! #include <mswsock.h> #include <ws2ipdef.h> So hopefully this is helpful. I am still trying to get everything to work but at least it compiled and linked.
  7. The TRecordA/TRecordB relation leads to a structure of infinite size. I would question the design choice, but having no knowledge of the underlying API that is not more than just a gut feeling. IMHO, you should use the approach that fits best. There is no general rule for all cases.
  8. I disagree the use of pointers directly for a waste use. In the past I had some side effects not "beauty" ... especially if they were targeting structures with "managed types". In the state of Darian exposition, I will prefer the mix solution. CodGen projects are always "beasts", I wish you good luck in your job @Darian Miller
  9. What about a class procedure? type tTest = class(tObject) public class procedure MyFormShow(Sender: TObject); end; ... self.OnShow:=tTest.MyFormShow;
  10. @Darian Miller In times like these I just use pointers. Not sure whether that will affect the API interaction though. PRecordB = ^TRecordB; PRecordC = ^TRecordC; TRecordA = record Field1 : Integer; Field2 : PRecordB; Field3 : string; TopX : PRecordC; end; TRecordB = record Field4 : Integer; Field5 : TRecordA; end; TRecordC = record Items : TArray<TRecordA>; end;
  11. Stefan Glienke

    Double, default value

    Which - fun fact - does not happen on the method call (unless it's a virtual method) but when accessing any member inside of it. You could still have some method which does not access any member and it will not AV at all. We can argue all day about this - any runtime behavior one might slap onto it will not save the language from being inherently unsafe. It needs to be built into the language/compiler itself (Hi, Rust)
  12. timfrost

    Anyone using Clever Components?

    I have used a Clever Components support ticket (I have never had any other way to contact them) to send Sergey a link to this thread and ask him to comment.
  13. We are happy to announce the release of TMS FNC UI Pack with FNC DataGrid 1.0! To celebrate, we’re offering an exclusive 20% discount with the code DATAGRID on new licenses for TMS FNC UI Pack and TMS FNC Component Studio (single developer, small team, and site licenses).This offer is valid until 31/10/2024. Ready to take your data presentation to the next level? Read more: 👉 https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/blog.asp?post=1261
  14. A generic class constructor can behave even weirder. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Methods_(Delphi)#Class_Constructors