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  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Yes, things have changed significantly for the better. However, there are still some pain points (more specifically debugging, especially on iOS as Apple keeps throwing curved balls) Main difference is that ARC was being source of significant performance issues on mobile platforms. I have done extensive investigations at the time, and by doing slight modifications in FMX code I was able to significantly improve performance. Used optimizations were covered in my blog posts: https://dalijap.blogspot.com/2018/01/optimizing-arc-with-unsafe-references.html https://dalijap.blogspot.com/2018/01/optimizing-arc-hard-way.html https://dalijap.blogspot.com/2018/03/optimizing-arc-weakness-of-weak.html Even though there is no ARC compiler, above articles are still valid when dealing with interfaces in Delphi. Removing ARC compiler was not the only performance improvement. Next one was introduction of Skia library in Delphi 12, which gives better performance on mobile platforms. It is not perfect and depending on the project it is not necessarily working better on the desktop FMX applications, but it is easily configurable, so different rendering methods can be used depending on the platform. Another pain point was using 3rd party frameworks on both Android and iOS, and this has also been significantly improved in the meantime. Overall, plenty of bugs have been fixed in the meantime (of course, that does not mean there are no new bugs), but things are way better than they were at the early beginnings. Most importantly people are successfully using Delphi for writing Android and iOS applications. You can find one such example here: Whether Delphi is the best option for some project that is another question and it can really depend on the project. The best option would be putting down all the tech your app needs to interact with and what are basic features you need to support. After you have tall that listed you can make a demo app to see whether you can easily incorporate all that you need across various tools and platforms. Only after doing that you will be able to tell which one will be the best for the project. And at the end, the grass is not greener on the other side. For development Delphi is much more stable platform than some others. It does not have some fancy features language wise, but its UI frameworks are very stable. Over the years, both Google and Apple made significant shifts in their native frameworks that required extensive code refactoring (yes, you can still use the old ways, but it still requires a lot of work to keep up with changes). If you are looking for cross-platform tool, then situation is not too much different.
  2. DelphiUdIT

    Delphi 12.2 TMEMO - indexoutofbounds

    Something wrong with your update, the build should be "29.0.53982.0329" ...
  3. Brandon Staggs

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    No, but because Windows machines cost so much less for substantially the same thing. The fact that I build my own machines is not really the point; I don't believe most Windows machines are dead in 3-5 years, that's ridiculous. Nearly everyone I work with is using Windows machines at least that old. If you prefer MacOS that's certainly fine, nobody can criticize you for that. My personal experience as someone actively doing development for Macs is that it is easily the worst system to target for development and gets worse with every major update. Although it may be a lot of Unix under the hood, Apple is locking it down more and more with every update. Apple behaves as if it owns not only its hardware but their users. The Apple Tax is not just overpaying for hardware, but losing personal computer sovereignty with every update. It's bad enough on Windows, it's many times worse on Mac.
  4. The Sempare Template Engine has been around for 5 years, being applied to traditional apps as well as to web. Further, it has support for XE4+. Here is a new article on the Template Registry that can help you to scale template management within your application. https://dev.to/sempare/the-sempare-template-engine-advanced-template-registry-features-29o9
  5. Rollo62

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Web app? Then TMS WebCore this is maybe intersting too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az7X6jjDRd0&list=PLp3eFyNKVPpvCFj7lLTZjOoIjeH9pcdDA
  6. Rollo62

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Yes, it moves between stable-unstable-stable over the years. But I can say also, that this is mainly because of external effects from Apple/Google, while Firemonkey tries its best to keep up. I have often seen original XCode and AndroidStudio developers, struggling with the same problems we saw in Delphi, only that those IDE's were maintained more eagerly. And to keep in mind, mobile development is way different to traditional desktop development, I fell into that trap too.
  7. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Hi Using FireMonkey is globally the same than using VCL except it's more graphic and has more features to auto adapt visual components depending on windows sizes and styles. The big advantage to stay in Delphi is to share a part of your code between desktop and mobiles applications. A lot of samples, docs and books are available to learn how to use FMX features. Check this repositories list https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/Delphi-samples/blob/main/OtherDelphiSampleRepositories.md or this books : Fearless Cross-Platform Development with Delphi and Expert Delphi (second edition) For the code you only have to learn how to program asynchronously and a few things about Android permissions if you use some APIs. Start by doing a little app like in Delphi Programming Projects
  8. John Kouraklis


    Whereas you feel safe with American companies which hand over everything on you to NSA and FBI as they do not risk to end up in jail. Come on, OrangeUI is probably an individual who sells his product. I am sure all of us have bought components from such individuals in the past. And, really, would you feel more comfortable if the site was in English and the download link was a direct file? or if the domain was orangeui.com?