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  1. Anders Melander

    Open-source Delphi interpreters?

    I have used DWScript as a scripting system in several products. Used either to provide business rules (no UI, just logic) or as a app/plugin (with UI). The OP language support and performance is excellent. The learning curve is extremely high (no documentation, few examples). Here's an IDE/debugger I wrote for it: DWScriptStudio FWIW, https://www.beginend.net is powered by DWScript.
  2. pmcgee

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    The Advent of Code 2024. ChatGPT >> I’d like to encourage lots of Delphi people to have a crack and maybe compare solutions - online or at a meeting. Each day is pretty much independent of the others … but the concepts might build upon previous days’ puzzles. Fun starts on 1st December. Link → The Advent of Code 2024
  3. Darian Miller

    Open-source Delphi interpreters?

    This is probably the better choice: https://www.delphitools.info/dwscript/
  4. sjordi

    StreamingMedia sample says MP4 file not supported

    TMS has a mediaplayer that works. It's an FNC component. Don't have the name on the top of my head.
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Getit Server access from Delphi D10.1 Berlin

    Hi After the big hosting crash last year Embarcadero didn't restored GetIt packages for non supported releases before 10.4 (supported as the Community Edition at this time). If you are looking for something you can find it as open source or from editors for trial or developer edition of external programs. If not contact Ian Barker to explain what package you need.
  6. Patrick PREMARTIN

    The Advent of Code 2024.

    Ready for tomorrow start ? Don't forget that IA like ChatGPT and Copilot are not welcome during coding challenges. It's a game for humans coders only. 😉 (if you use them it has no interest except learning how to explain the problem to them)
  7. AntoineGS

    Vim Keybindings?

    So I am replying to an old post as this thread comes up high on Google when looking for Vi(m) keybindings in Delphi. Since the projects posted by @DelphiUdIT were abandoned I have forked the latest and rewritten a lot of it to extend its functionality. So if anyone ends up here you can use Vi4D to get a lot of the bindings working. This with the newly merged Relative Line Numbers in CnWizards gives a pretty good combination. PS: There is no support for C++ Builder at this time but it might be possible by building to a DLL and installing that instead of the BPL. If someone shows interest I will take a look at it.
  8. David Heffernan

    Backward compability

    I don't think your expectations are reasonable. You can't expect to mix and match Delphi versions like this. When you are ready to upgrade, do it in a coordinated and unified manner.
  9. Remy Lebeau

    Format a Float field text using another field value

    I would not use any global variable at all. The TField has access to the DataSet that owns the current record's fields, eg: Text := Format('%.*f', [Sender.DatSet.FieldByName('decimals').AsInteger, Extended(Sender.Value)]); Alternatively: Text := FloatToStrF(Sender.Value, ffFixed, 18, Sender.DatSet.FieldByName('decimals').AsInteger);