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  1. Jacek Laskowski

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    No, he doesn't need to create TFDConnection, he can use TFDQuery alone and get the connection from the pool in it: FDQuery := TFDQuery.Create(nil); FDQuery.ConnectionName := RegisteredConnectionDefinitionString;
  2. Joseph MItzen

    Do we have a spam problem?

    I've got some recommendations.
  3. Fr0sT.Brutal

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    Btw, you're in DLL so - Don't forget to set IsMultiThread to True manually - Don't do anything serious in DLLMain (and inside DLL project's begin-end block). DLL loading stage is pretty special, not much things are allowed here
  4. Sherlock

    Do we have a spam problem?

    @Joseph MItzen You clearly got my drift!
  5. ConstantGardener

    FireBird, TFDConnection and concurrency

    procedure CreatePooledConnection; var oParams: TStrings; begin oParams := TStringList.Create; try oParams.Add('Server='+FServerName); oParams.Add('Database='+FDatenbank); oParams.Add('User_Name='+FUsername); oParams.Add('Password='+FPassword); oParams.Add('Port='+FPort.ToString); oParams.Add('Pooled=True'); FDManager.AddConnectionDef(CONN_RAM_Pooled, 'MySQL', oParams); FDManager.Active:=True; finally oParams.Free; end; We use a "PooledConnection" for this! And then in the Thread you only use this Pooled Connection for connecting to the Database, but you must create a new TFDConnection in every thread. AConnection:=TFDConnection.Create(nil); try AConnection.ConnectionDefName:=CONN_RAM_Pooled; try AConnection.Connected:=true; .....
  6. Esteban Pacheco

    Changes in Parallel Library

    Windows -> OTL Cross-platform -> ??? I dont think OTL in cross-platform mode is a possibility in the near short-mid future, so PPL must do for any FMX development. Hopefully they will keep improving it, cause we dont have a choice unless we want to jump into using our own implementations and I dont trust myself with that. 🙂
  7. Uwe Raabe

    Changes in Parallel Library

    I would prefer when PPL would be fixed and stabilized instead of not being used at all. There is a couple of functionality in Delphi that relies on PPL and that would need to be reinvented where another external library is used. The lack of manpower dedicated to this part of the RTL (and a lot of others) is a real drawback. I wish Embarcadero would allow more participation from the community or at least all the MVPs that already offered their help in these areas. Another option would be to open source the standard libraries and accept pull requests, but that seems to be only at the edge of their radar - if at all.
  8. Uwe Raabe

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    As these problems are hard to track down, I need to dedicate some time to that fix. Unfortunately I am not able to spend a significant amount of time on MMX in the moment, so it may take a while for the V15 beta to proceed.