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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/21 in all areas

  1. Dalija Prasnikar

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    While 10.4.2 is a bit unstable (fortunately, my code does not choke it too often), going down to D2010 seems like overkill. There are many stable releases in between you can productively work with, and then move to 10.4.2 when patched.
  2. Rollo62

    iOS Metal and bitmap.savetofile

    See also here.
  3. Vincent Parrett

    A BIG and very strange BUG with High-DPI, VCL Style and Form Constraints

    More info If I change my debug output to do this monitor := Screen.MonitorFromPoint(Self.BoundsRect.CenterPoint);// MonitorFromWindow(Self.Handle); Memo1.Lines.Add('Current Monitor : ' + IntToStr(monitor.MonitorNum)); It always give the correct monitor. Current Monitor : 1 Windows Bounds (Top,Left,Bottom,Right) : -8,-8,1408,2568 Current Monitor : 0 Windows Bounds (Top,Left,Bottom,Right) : -11,2549,2111,6411 Those top/left values on monitor 0 looked odd, so I turned off themes Current Monitor : 1 Windows Bounds (Top,Left,Bottom,Right) : -8,-8,1408,2568 Current Monitor : 0 Windows Bounds (Top,Left,Bottom,Right) : -11,2549,2111,6411 So that's not it, some googling found this is explained here - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20120326-00/?p=8003 So I'm no closer to figuring this out.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    "Add Method" (Ctrl+Alt+M) wrongly assigned to TForm

    Adding a layer of action to achieve a goal is probably not well accepted by long time MMX users as it would break their work flow. Even if such functionality would exist, which class should the method be added when DoIt is not declared in TMyObject, but in TMyBaseObject, which TMyObject is derived from? Instead of asking for the target object each time, it is much simpler to Ctrl-Click on the TMyObject reference or even the DoIt reference in the code, which immediately selects the requested object on which the Add Method action then can be executed on.
  5. John van de Waeter

    iOS Metal and bitmap.savetofile

    Thanks Enesgeven I finally upgraded to 10.4.2 and it seems to be solved. Thanks for responding :) John
  6. Doesn't work well on this project - feel free to analyse my code and tell me what I did wrong 😉 https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM If the code is too complex for the tooling, then the tooling needs improving, valid compiling code should not be a problem.