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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/21 in Posts

  1. Version V15.0.37 of MMX Code Explorer introduces Structured Difference Viewer (former available as a separate product). It is registered as an External Difference Viewer in the IDE and can be used as an alternative way to compare source files.
  2. ScroogeXHTML for Delphi is a library which supports a subset of the Rich Text Format (RTF) standard. It converts RTF to HTML5 and XHTML standalone documents, or to fragments which can be embedded in other documents. Besides HTML5, it also supports HTML 3/Flex, HTML 4.01 Strict and Transistional, and various XHTML versions. It is compatible with Delphi 2009+ and Free Pascal 3. Version 7.2 introduces support for embedded PNG and JPEG images using Data URI. Home page, API, Getting Started PDF, full release notes and demo download: https://www.scroogexhtml.com/scroogexhtml_delphi.html
  3. FPiette

    Using VMWare: what files remain on host?

    You have to consider the content of your VM exactly like you would consider it if it was installed on a separate physical machine connected to the same LAN.
  4. Vandrovnik

    Q for MAPI Expert

    Thank you for the unit! I have found a bug regarding attachments in mvAnsi mode (two times there should be TMapiFileDesc instead of TMapiFileDescW; ^ is missing in FillChar). Original code: if LAttachCount > 0 then begin GetMem(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDescW) * LAttachCount); FillChar(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDescW) * LAttachCount, 0); Please change to: if LAttachCount > 0 then begin GetMem(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc) * LAttachCount); FillChar(LAttachments^, SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc) * LAttachCount, 0); I have also added a simple procedure SetMapiDll (on clients computers, GroupWise is installed and used. Outlook 2019, which is also installed, but not used, keeps overwriting the registry entry, so I will probably have to load directly C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\GroupWise\gwmlt1.dll there). procedure SetMapiDll(const AMapiDll: string); begin MAPIDLL:=aMapiDll; end;
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    JCL installation problems in D10.4.2

    I just can't realize what's the need in 3rd party installers when there's straightforward install process from IDE.
  6. I can top that: 6 to 10.4 (I even considered adding Delphi 5) And yes, the path variable becomes a pain in the lower back if you install many Delphi versions to the default directories. Unfortunately updates tend to revert any custom installation directories. Using additional environment variables and adding only these variables to the path also helps.
  7. Vincent Parrett

    VMWare Workstation PRO vs MS Hyper-V

    I have 12 versions of delphi on my dev machine (XE2-10.4.2) all working fine. The trick is managing your system path environment variable.. which the delphi installer still rudely prepends it's entries to.. the result of which can push the path length over 2048 which on some older systems will cause issues with windows. The trick is to not install in the default location and keep the paths as short as possible. This blog post from 2014 always gets lots of views shortly after a new delphi release - I wonder why?
  8. Dear visitors, We have made an interesting application/tool for Delphi - A vector drawing application that converts shapes you draw into TCanvas ready-to-use code. Manual drawing by coding can be tedious task and require a lot of time and precision. With NextCanvas you can draw and adjust standard Delphi shapes as with any other vector application. Single button click will generate a pixel perfect code. Click here to see a video or a screenshot: It's the first version, but we have several nice features coming soon such as: "snapping" points to other shapes or to the container (so the shape resize within TRect). conditional checking. For example if shape need to have several states (like lock on/off). Other shape types such as Pixel or Text. I hope that you will find the tool interesting and that it have a potential. You can find more at: news article BergSoft web site
  9. David Heffernan

    Managed dll instead of an unmanaged one

    Yes. But you need to use a tool like UnmanagedExports.
  10. Hi, Based on published free header/wrapper units of BASS audio library plus add-ons on www.un4seen.com, I have improved, modified and added more codes to ensure they work with all platforms that Delphi's FireMonkey and VCL frameworks support. I also collected, intensively tested and structured the libraries into a package for Delphi programmers to use with a very detailed guide accompanied. Finally I also included a simple but sufficiently complete demo project. I have seen so many questions on BASS forums as well as other forums regarding audio for Delphi so I just thought I could share my work. That's all my intention. Here you go: https://github.com/TDDung/Delphi-BASS
  11. Anders Melander

    nil v self in form create??

    Regardless of how it affects the instance ownership, if the Form has Position=poOwnerFormCenter then the Owner should be specified Otherwise it will fall back to poMainFormCenter.
  12. Attila Kovacs

    Q for MAPI Expert

    Use it as you want if it works. I'd be happy if fixes/enhancements would come back to me! 😉 forsix.MapiMail.pas