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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/22 in all areas

  1. Magenta Hardware Components is a set of six main components for Delphi 2007 to Delphi 11.0 and later, as follows: 1 - Magenta Serial Port Detection Component which contains serial COM port enumeration functions, using several methods which can identify different ports depending on how they are installed, all are combined and a sorted array returned with friendly names and install information. 2 - Magenta Hardware Events Component that listens for Windows hardware event messages and calls events handlers for device changes such as serial ports, disk volume changes, low disk space events and power events. 3 - Directory Changes Monitoring Component, that notifies changes in a directory such as file or directory Create/Delete/Modify/Rename. 4 - Magenta GPS and Location Component is designed to process GPS location data from various sources with an event triggered when movement is detected. GPS sources supported include Windows Location API, NMEA 0183 sentences, GT02 GPS Tracker Protocol, TK102/103 Tracker Protocol and WondeX/TK5000 Tracker Protocol. Sample shows movement track on a Google map. 5 - Magenta Firewall Component has functions to search and list selected Windows Defender Firewall rules and settings, and to add and remove such rules. There is also some code that may be used in Inno Setup scripts to set-up firewall rules during application installation. 6 - Magenta Check Disk and Format Disk component used to format fixed or removable disk drives and perform disk checks on Windows NT4 and later. More details and download from: https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/maghardware.asp Or SVN: https://svn.magsys.co.uk/svn/maghardware/ Magenta Hardware Components are freeware, but are still copyrighted by Magenta Systems Ltd who may change the status or withdraw it at any time, without notice. Angus
  2. PaPaNi

    LangMan for Delphi

    Сan't that be helpful? https://torry.net/files/vcl/vcltools/multilanguage/LangMan_Personal_v2.11.1.zip
  3. Uwe Raabe

    LangMan for Delphi

    The download page offers a Personal Edition which seems to require just a registration.
  4. Anders Melander

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    Pfft! Maybe you should hire an HR or Public Relations person instead.
  5. Well, without the information about how the data is expected, you will have hard time to find advice here. The swagger description and example of the endpoint you are trying to reach with POST would be sufficient. We don't need access to the whole documentation or even the web service.
  6. I have done that for quite a couple of web services. The critical information is a description of the web service. Regarding your specific 403 problem it is necessary to find out how the data is expected by the service. Do you have some reference for that at hand?
  7. Sherlock

    did Sherlock left DP?

    I'm OK, guys, thanks for asking. Not Corona, but I've spent some time in the hospital nonetheless.
  8. Vincent Parrett

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Consider putting the source up on Github rather than sharing zip files - makes it safer for everyone that way.
  9. Kim Madsen

    Copy a record from TTable to kbmMemTable??

    kbmMemTable contains several methods for copying from other TDatasets. One is CopyRecords. mt.CopyRecords(sourceds,mt,1,'',false); Or if you yourself has an editable/appended/inserted record spot available on the destination, you can use AssignRecord(sourceds, destds); Both will automatically figure out which fields to copy. CopyRecords will even allow you to map fields to other field names if needed. mt.CopyRecords(sourceds,mt,1,'fld1a=fld1b;fld2a=fld2b',false); Fields in source table fld1a and fld2a is mapped to destination table fields fld1b and fld2b. /Kim
  10. With Delphi 11 release a few minutes ago, MMX Code Explorer is already supporting it: Change log V15.0.44
  11. balabuev

    caFree & ,Free??

    As recently has been mentioned in another thread, it's only safe if the code inside try/finally do not occasionally (or indirectly) call Application.ProcessMessages after ShowModal: MyForm := TMyForm.Create(...); try MyForm.ShowModal; Application.ProcessMessages; // Or SomeAnotherForm.ShowModal, etc. finally MyForm.Free; end; In this case the form may be freed via CM_RELEASE, and then - freed the second time via the code in finally block.