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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/22 in Posts

  1. Remy Lebeau

    When execute, this error appears

    You have 2 StrToDate() calls in that highlighted code (presumably more offscreen?), both are converting scGPDBDateEdit11.Text. Your earlier screenshot show the Text is ' / / ', which is obviously NOT a valid date string, which is why StrToDate() raises EConvertError. It should work just fine, eg: if TryStrToDate(scGPDBDateEdit11.Text, mydate) then begin // use mydate as needed... end else begin // do something else... end; Though, like I said, TDateTimePicker makes a lot more sense then a TEdit for date inputs, eg: mydate := IncYear(DateTimePicker11.Date, a); ... mydate := IncDay(DatePicker11.Date, a); ...
  2. Remy Lebeau

    When execute, this error appears

    If you are converting the Text of the "né" control to a TDate/TDateTime using StrToDate(), consider using TryStrToDate() instead. That would avoid the EConvertError being raised. Just make sure you pay attention to its return value to know if the conversion was successful or not. Personally, I would use a TDateTimePicker or TDatePicker instead. For instance, TDateTimePicker as a built-in CheckBox that can be used to indicate whether a date has been entered.
  3. Sherlock

    When execute, this error appears

    Check what is entered in the field labeled "né". This can not be converted to a date. I'm guessing that is a TMaskEdit. You should only try to convert its contents, when it is filled with data. By the way, this applies to all other date fields...and perhaps even more.
  4. shineworld

    Add an extra Delphi Control in a new package

    Following your info, I've created a custom DelphiVCL with third parties VCL objects, and now WORKS perfectly. This was the occasion to add your fix for memory leaks on property sets. I will test the behavior in the next few days. Thank you very much for your help!
  5. Uwe Raabe

    TMemo instead of TLabel

    procedure GetString(param1: string; param2:string; myLabel: TLabel); overload; Begin myLabel.caption := GetDescription(); End; procedure GetString(param1: string; param2:string; myMemo: TMemo); overload; Begin myMemo.lines.Add(GetDescription()); End;
  6. Andy1234


    RayStar Welcome
  7. Vincent Parrett

    Are the jcl and jvcl libraries still alive?

    Why is this too complicated for people? Pull requests make a lot more sense for open source projects, as they make doing code reviews etc simple - where as with direct commit access there is always more risk that something get's broken, or that the committer takes the project in a different direction than what the project owner wants. I always tell people, before contributing to a project 1) create an issue and discuss with the other contributors/owners - then when everyone is on the same page 2) create a pull request 3) owner and other contributors review and approve/merge. Usually after step 1, if I do not have the time to implement it myself, I tag the issue as "PR Invited" meaning the issue is well understood and deemed worthy of implementation - and a PR that implements the feature/fix etc will have a good chance of being accepted. Sadly most of the time people ask/want but are not prepared to help/contribute. Github is not the barrier.
  8. Fritzew

    1D cutting stock problem

    You can use the Google Project. It is not so complicated to make a dll with some exports. But you will need VS Studio, Git and Cmake.
  9. ULIK

    1D cutting stock problem

    I doubt that there is an library available for Delphi that will solve your problem out of the box. But as you already found, you can use Linear Programming for this but you still have to adjust the evaluation method for your own needs. Here are some libraries I found on the fly: https://www.optimalon.com/linear_programming_library.htm https://www.alglib.net/linear-programming/
  10. Doesn't work well on this project - feel free to analyse my code and tell me what I did wrong 😉 https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM If the code is too complex for the tooling, then the tooling needs improving, valid compiling code should not be a problem.