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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/22 in all areas

  1. hsauro

    Community Edition expiring again, no new keys

    Of course it’s their product to do as they wish but I would have thought increasing the developer community would be a priority especially for attracting a younger generation. A student or hobbyist isn’t going to pay $1600 when there are other less expensive options. The alternative options tend however to be less productive but the current generation doesn’t know this. Without a pool of skilled Delphi developers a company will just use other development environments where they can get the expertise. I think the community edition serves an important service and should be directed specifically to those interested in developing open source code or hobbyists who Ike to try out new software. I wholeheartedly agree that if someone makes money out Delphi then they are obliged to purchase the full version. The threshold for making money can be debated, but the current $5000 is a little on the low side I think.
  2. dummzeuch

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    I am working on a cheap Fujutsu Esprimo mini PC. (I am sure that at least as many people are interested in this as in Linus Torvalds having bought an expensive Apple thingy. 😕
  3. Brian Evans

    Community Edition expiring again, no new keys

    I am a Delphi Enterprise user myself. My concern is over the effect poor licensing practices have on the wider Delphi community. Free but you may not be able to use it sometimes burns off some of the goodwill generated from having a community edition for no gain.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Ignore exception type from code

    No (plus, that would require changing and recompiling the code, in which case you may as well just take out the offending code to begin with). But, you can accomplish something similar using breakpoints instead. Put a breakpoint at the beginning of the function, go into its properties, and disable the 'Break' option, and enable the 'Ignore subsequent exceptions' option. Then, put another breakpoint at the end of the function, go into its properties, and disable the 'Break' option, and enable the 'Handle subsequent exceptions' option.
  5. Davide Angeli

    Changing TToolButton image and using transparency

    As I wrote in the previous post, when I migrated to SVG there was no plenty of tools like now. I started with RiverSoftSVG component library and I based my internal libraries on that. In my applications, before SVG, I used PNG stored in resource files and loaded at runtime in TPngImageLists (it was all dinamic something like I'm doing now with SVG). To do a progressive migration I used RiverSoft to render SVG as PNG to mantain the same structure. RiverSoft was good enough to render material icons but has limitations on complex SVG so at the same time I used Delphi SVG (very good library it uses DirectX) to render complex logos and big SVG images. Now I've replaced Delphi SVG with Skia4Delphi and I'm planning to replace also RiverSoftSVG with it making Skia my internal reference for images and animations. Starting for scratch I think I will evaluate SVGIconImageList and maybe I will use it in the future because it has a similar approach to mine. When I started, I tested it but it was very crude and terrible in rendering certain icons. Now it has evolved exponentially and if I'm not mistaken now you can choose also Skia as SVG rendere engine. Skia and SVGIconImageList are open source, RiverSoftSVG and DelphiSVG are commercial tools.
  6. Marco Cantu

    Community Edition expiring again, no new keys

    It's not exactly a glitch, it's how the CE licenses are set up by definition. They last one year. What we did last year and we did again (should be active now, it was completed earlier today) is to allow CE users to apply for a new license key for their existing version.
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Ignore exception type from code

    I'd suggest PR to SynEdit authors. Exception here is useless indeed.
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Your experience with custom styles - do they work well?

    Well, the system-wide styling were available since the early Windows (all these colors clWindow, clText etc). Properly written apps (those using no hard-coded colors) always fit current color scheme.
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    That's why the CB development is SOOOO slow 😄 Well, then you should be also frightening of USA developers that you don't know personally because CIA/DOD has long story of injecting backdoors into well-known tools. Not talking about Chinese developers that obey to communist party (goddamn commies want to eat the whole world!)