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  1. FPiette

    Change of coding style/structure..

    I like to use FreeAndNil for the same reason David explained for the rest : One day you make your procedure more complex, adding some code lines after the FreeAndNil and yet use the freed variable. Calling FreeAndNil instead of Free will make you quickly discover (AV° the error you made. The price is very low for this security.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    SSL in IOS Simulator

    Building OpenSSL dylibs for iOS simulator
  3. IMO, the modern alternative is a decent website. I was a member of the ASP and even sat on its Board for two years. Like PAD, it served its purpose and is now completely obsolete. Honestly, if I could take down every single file download site listing of my software, I would. People find your software with search engines, not download sites. Today, download sites exist to siphon visitors away from direct sources so they can shovel borderline malware at visitors with useless file download and scanner tools, etc.
  4. Dave Nottage

    SSL in IOS Simulator

    Please refer to this QP report: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-39702
  5. David Heffernan

    Weird code in THttpConnection.ProcessWellKnownDir

    The old code won't stop working. It's unrealistic to expect developers to expend extra time supporting legacy compilers and systems. It's no fun doing that.
  6. Angus Robertson

    Weird code in THttpConnection.ProcessWellKnownDir

    I too use MaxInt for new applications, but I've no idea whether it is available in all the ancient compilers ICS still supports, so always keep code a simple as possible. There is no complete list of new features, functions and constants added with each new release, When I needed to use PosEx to simplify some code, I had to use three conditionals as it changed three times since Delphi 7, had to search old source directories to find out when, which all takes valuable time. This won't matter for much longer since the next major release of ICS will cease support for compilers more than a few years old, so we can finally make use of new language features and remove lots of ANSI specific stuff. But we will changing too much old working code, since invariably changes introduce errors and often new things don't work properly. For instance when using TSearchRec to index files, I tried using the new TimeStamp property that returns TDateTime instead of Time that returns a file date stamp, but eventually discovered TimeStamp returns UTC time instead of local time, both undocumented in help so don't know if this is deliberate or a bug. But it meant my applications could not correctly compare source and destination directories when FTP or copying files, causing hundred of thousands of extra files to be copied, until I reverted to using Time. So new is not always better. Angus
  7. David Heffernan

    32bit vs 64bit

    Well, because a/b is not necessarily equal to (1/b)*a. This is because a/b is defined by IEEE754 to be the closest representable value to the true value of a/b. Then (1/b) is the closest representable value to the true value. And then (1/b)*a is closest representable etc etc. So (1/b)*a has two roundings a/b has just one. In many applications these fastmath approximations are perfectly acceptable, but of course there are applications where this is a problem.
  8. David Heffernan

    32bit vs 64bit

    True, but nobody should be using that type anyway. I speak as a developer of mathematical software.
  9. Remy Lebeau

    Indy OAuth authentication over SASL

    FYI, this morning I checked in a new 'sasl-oauth' branch in Indy's repo, which includes a new 'IdSASLOAuth.pas' unit for SASL classes for OAUTH10A, OAUTHBEARER, and XOAUTH2 for TIdDICT, TIdPOP3, TIdSMTP, and TIdIMAP4. They are still a work in progress (ie, no parsing of response JSON yet), and you are responsible for obtaining the OAuth tokens externally (ie, over HTTP), but once you have the tokens then you can use these SASLs to login to the DICT/POP3/SMTP/IMAP servers.