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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/22 in all areas

  1. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi beta testing a "premium" privilege?

    Why not? It's a priviledge to get access to some kind of "road map information". Their task is also to help to complete the version. This it's premium service of the customers towards the company!
  2. Dave Nottage

    contacts sample application does not want to run on device

    Which version of Delphi are you using? Which version of Android is on the device? Have you tried running the app via the debugger to check whether there's any errors?
  3. Dave Nottage

    How I execute shell adb commands ?

    You execute them from the machine that is connected to the device. adb is in the platform-tools folder of the Android SDK
  4. David Champion

    Delphi beta testing a "premium" privilege?

    It's an optimisation of marketing language to sell the 'value' that is already there. Now, if Embarcadero were to involve the subscribers in the evolution of the product range and invest more money I would get involved in beta testing. And this is the wrong way round, the beta testers should be given additional time added to their subscriptions for the effort involved. Where is the ongoing public consultation with the developer/customers? Where is the open discussion about the Delphi language? Where is the open discussion about the IDE and tooling?
  5. It has been for a long time that selected beta testers (like f.i. all MVPs and Tech Partners) are invited early to a beta cycle, while users with an active (normal) Update Subscription are invited at a later stage (so they actually are already open to any willing subscriber). Now it seems that having a Premium Update Subscription puts you into the first group, too. Does not look like a big change to the previous system to me. May be they want to put more value into the Premium part, which isn't a bad thing. Nothing is taken away from anyone.
  6. aehimself

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    There's more than enough trash there already even at a clean installation so it doesn't really count 🙂 Anyway, it's the easiest solution to support all your 32 and 64 bit apps with everything they might need. After all, Microsoft is doing the same with msvcr*.dlls-s when you install the runtime...
  7. Hi Ertan, you MUST have the configuration line below, before the connection configuration. DefaultApp.FireDAC.ConnectionDefName=MAINDB Best regards, Bob
  8. Andrea Magni

    Adding a second app to a MARS Engine

    Hi, everything seems fine, just be sure your call to TMARSResourceRegistry.Instantce.RegisterResource<THealthCheck> takes place *before* the second call to AddApplication (in TServerEngine.CreateEngine method). I usually make this happen adding the name of the unit where THealthCheck to the uses clause list of the Server.Ignition.pas file (in the MARSTemplate demo, you can spot the Server.Resources unit listed there for the same reason). I am considering, in a future version of MARS, to switch from this 'initialization based' way of registering resources to a more 'configuration based' one. Still have to think about it and choose a simple approach to this problem. Sincerely, Andrea