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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/23 in all areas

  1. Ian Branch

    Thank You!!

    To all, Over the years I have used this Forum a lot. It has allways been a source of information. Some great, enilightening, educating, some not so much. ;-) What has never failed, is to get an answer/help/advice when needed. I am a strong believer in the saying.. "There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers." So, to all of you who have helped and responded to User's questions, issues, etc. And in particular to those that have responed to my inane, sometimes ignorant, questions/issues. A very large THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! All very much appreciated. Regards, Ian P.S. I'm sure I have many more questions/issues to come. :-)
  2. David Heffernan

    calling C code from Delphi

    Compile the code into a dll and link that. Directly linking obj files is possible but it can be tricky. Especially for 64 bit code where the compiler doesn't respect exception table meta data.
  3. timfrost

    Formatter doesn't work in a Unit??

    I can reproduce the same problem with your unit (but not with any of my own). My GExperts build reports itself in 'About' as "1.3.22 build 4008". I think I built this from source back when 11.3 first came out (see another topic here) but I see the same issue (and the same build number 4008) in your unit with the installer with the name 2023-03-25. Although no formatting of your unit takes place, either with the keyboard shortcut or the menu, the IDE offers to save it on close, so believes something has changed. If I remove your comment on line 22, the formatter works correctly. Adding a comment at the end of an interface function definition in one of my own units also makes the formatting fail to take place. So this looks a bit like a data-related formatter bug. I will see if I can find and try that also.
  4. kvk1989

    C to Pascal

    I will try with chatgpt !
  5. David Heffernan

    C to Pascal

    Why not compile the code as is, and link it from your program?
  6. Kryvich

    C to Pascal

    I tried Bing AI to convert from C to Delphi and it worked quite well. However, I converted individual functions, not the entire library.
  7. programmerdelphi2k

    Thank You!!

  8. Dave Nottage

    ShowModal do not work under IOS 16.1.1

    It may be related to the model and iOS version. Please see: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-36095
  9. Remy Lebeau

    [FMX][Android]How get control name under the click?

    Why are you simply not using the Sender of the click event? procedure TMyForm.MyControlClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(TControl(Sender).Name); end;