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  1. Considering the simple fact that a VPN access point would be exposed to the entire Internet with its sh*tload of malevolent entities out there just waiting to pounce on just another self made "secure" server I would not touch this project with a ten foot pole and oven mits...and a hazmat suit. Just introduce your pal to WireGuard and be done with it.
  2. Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce a huge 40% discount on the HelpNDoc help authoring tool, including updates and upgrades starting now, and for a few hours only: https://www.helpndoc.com/news-and-articles/2023-08-08-summer-sale-2023-40-discount-on-helpndoc-professional-and-ultimate-editions-for-a-few-hours-only/ HelpNDoc is an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, responsive HTML 5 and mobile Web Sites, DocX and PDF manuals, ePub and Kindle eBooks, Markdown documents as well as Qt Help files from a single source: https://www.helpndoc.com Follow our step-by-step video guides to learn how to use HelpNDoc: Best regards, John, HelpNDoc team. https://www.helpndoc.com
  3. N in VPN (local network between peers connected through the channel) I was just talking with a friend, and he would to have his own VPN integrated solution. He asked me if I could do it (write both VPN server and Client in Delphi). And I said that I have no idea! If possible, I would like to use SSTP as protocol and ICS as Client and Server app. After googling up a little and found some python implementation of a "simple VPN server". I found C samples to open a Private Network in windows. Some code (in Python) of a VPN server, and some client application In C too... Unfortunately nothing in Delphi (or pascal). I'm just hoping not to find the word "Driver" in the specifications Anyway, I hope to find a way to implement the basics
  4. Roger Cigol

    Paradox in FireDAC Delphi 11 Ent 32bit VCL App

    In the unlikely but not impossible event that you have field names in your paradox tables that include the # symbol I point you to this posting: Upgrading paradox field names containing # symbol
  5. Roger Cigol

    Paradox in FireDAC Delphi 11 Ent 32bit VCL App

    I too migrated a system away from Paradox a long long time ago. Paradox was good in it's time but it's limitations (particularly for a multi-user interface to the database) are very significant. I would definitely migrate to a modern and supported database (there are several open-source type solutions that are only a free of charge download away....)
  6. Stano

    Paradox in FireDAC Delphi 11 Ent 32bit VCL App

    Are you considering a normal DB? The paradox is 30 years old and brings nothing but trouble. Do you want to worry about it all the time? I'm converting, I'm robbing one program with Paradox to D11. The first thing was throwing away Paradox and exporting/importing its data to a relational DB. Firebird. It Connected and Active needs to go from OnCreate out. You've already figured that out. PS: I'm using my own solution. I'm only inspired by the content of the individual forms and the logic of the program.
  7. Another solution could be to create a simple UDP server with Indy on port x and use the UDP broadcast to send a packet (perhaps containing the list mentioned in my previous post). Obviously this solution works only on local networks. Each device connected to the LAN would receive that packet on port X from which you can detect both the "remote" address and possibly read the UDP packet data.
  8. If you mean all the local IP addresses on your LAN, ICS has a new component TIcsNeighbDevices that builds a historic LAN neighbourhood MAC device and IPv4 and IPv6 address table using ARP, neighbourhood discovery and network scanning. There is a new sample OverbyteIcsNetTools.dpr that illustrates its use. Angus