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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/24 in Posts

  1. The first patch for the just released RAD Studio 12.1 Athens is available: RAD Studio 12.1 Athens Patch 1 Available
  2. Hello all, I've noticed that an application I'm working on was behaving differently when compiled in Delphi 11 or 12. In Delphi 12 I was getting all sorts of overflows and unexpected behavior. It took me a while to figure out the cause. Now the surprising thing: The cause wasn't even in this executable I was working on, it was in a DLL that my program is using. This DLL was built with a previous version of Delphi. This particular DLL expects that a FP error such as a division by zero will throw an exception. A breaking change in Delphi 12 is that the executables it produces mask the FP exceptions. This change in behavior affects all code running in the process, including all DLLs. In other words, this DLL no longer threw exceptions where it was supposed to. My workaround was to re-enable FPU exceptions in the executable and the situation instantly went "back to normal". But it got me thinking, how does one write code that copes with both FP situations and can run safely with *any* Delphi version? Should I do something like this? Try c:=SomeHighlyComplexCalculation(); if IsNan (c) then raise eDivByZero.Create('Something went wrong'); except // the exception is triggered either automatically (Old Delphi version) or manually (New Delphi version) end; Currently, my gut feeling tells me to manually enable FPU exceptions in all my Delphi exe projects to prevent such nasty surprises in the future. I use tons of tried-and-tested DLLs written in Delphi and I really don't want them to break.
  3. From my experience, you could never really rely on floating point exceptions. If your code is in a DLL, the host process might change the exception mask. If your code is in the EXE, a loaded DLL might unexpectedly change the exception mask. This can even be caused by showing a common dialog (think Open/Save dialogs) because that will cause Shell extension DLLs to be loaded into your process. Or an ActiveX, an in-process COM client and so on. In the end, you should make your code work both ways and check floating point calculation results with IsNAN and IsInfinity, e.g. try F:= <some floating point calculation> except on E: EInvalidOp do F:= NAN; on E: EZeroDivide do F:= INF; end; if IsNAN(F) then <handle InvalidOp> if IsInfinity(F) then <handle zero divide>
  4. Funny this has remained unmentioned thus far: Object Pascal Handbook by Marco Cantù ...especially because it is free.
  5. emileverh

    Set form in read only mode

    Use GetControls() new since Delphi 11 I believe. Just as an example for me to disable TcxEdit's only. But you can do your own stuff: for var ctrl in frmMain.GetControls([ceftAll]) do begin if (ctrl is TcxEdit) then begin TcxEdit( ctrl).Enabled := false; end; end;
  6. Bill Meyer

    Delphi Low-code No-code?

    Depending on the corporate view of dev tools as investment.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    Can we stay on the topic, please? Are there any practical languages that are applicable to writing the same variety of solutions as Delphi, that are actually memory safe? Even if you manage your memory in Delphi, it is not hard to get corrupted data due to a dangling or misdirected pointer, even in Delphi.
  8. Walter Verhoeven

    Migrating projects from Delphi to .Net

    I understand that you have concerns regarding the reliability of .NET for projects with long investment horizons. From my experience, it is important to note that support for any given version of .NET typically ends within approximately three years. For instance, long-term support for .NET 8 is scheduled until November 10, 2026. This may not be ideal for projects that require stability over time, considering operating system compatibility and security updates. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet If you plan to move to production quickly, you will have approximately one year before needing to migrate to the next version. Additionally, it is worth noting that native compilation, such as converting .NET IL to native code using tools like the native AoT c++ copiler, can pose some problems you will not be able to fix like loose all meaningfull stack on a exception. This approach can be problematic given how many NuGet packages and elements of the .NET technology stack rely heavily on reflection. Currently, no UI framework supports Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compilation, and most complex code does not function cross-platform. Moreover, utilizing third-party code can be beneficial, but it often requires significant effort to maintain, and performing risk analysis on such code can be challenging. Additionally, ensuring service level agreements (SLA) when the implementation correctness of the code is uncertain can be difficult. Based on my personal experience managing 22 NuGet packages with over 17 million downloads, maintaining them feels like a full-time job. As a result, we are currently transitioning from .NET to Delphi and creating wrapper classes to interface with the original C# code while ensuring that nothing breaks for my users during the process. If you need more convincing have a look at the security updates, I know as I reported several of them that are still not resolved. You can check out the .NET 8.0 Downloads page. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/8.0
  9. Nigel Thomas

    Looking for a couple of good "starter" Delphi books

    Don't get hooked up on just books. There is a lot of useful visual material on the Net that is targeted at Delphi beginners. Embarcadero's Helpful Resources for New Users has some good links to both books and visual resources.
  10. Lars Fosdal

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    My workmachine is not quite JRE free, due to IBM ACE. But in general, I don't install Java apps if I can avoid it.
  11. Stefan Glienke

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    However, it might not be permitted to do so in corporate environments.
  12. The usual reasons for memory leaks that I have seen: - not using interfaces as service types - registered components are not inheriting from TInterfacedObject (or some other properly reference counting implementing class) - in combination with the previous point when using AsSingleton without explicitly stating a value for TRefCounting to tell the container if the class implements ref counting or not - injected dependencies are further passed to and held by other services creating cross or cyclic references (use LeakCheck to better find them than just looking through the huge list that FastMM produces, ideally in a smaller scope, 2GB memleak log sounds a bit huge) You can log some of that information by iterating .Registry.FindAll from the container instance and checking various properties of each TComponentModel such as ComponentType, Services and LifetimeType.
  13. Lars Fosdal

    Migrating projects from Delphi to .Net

    My advise would be to write a few test apps in .NET before you start your migration. Learn how to do databases, files, classes, interfaces, OS and UI. Understand the new paradigms before you try to csharpify Delphi code, so that you know how things work in C# and what you need to change from Delphi. Sadly, UI is still much more work in .NET compared to all the "freebies" in Delphi - and there are several flavours. WinForms, WPF, MAUI, ASP.NET, Blazor. You need to find the one that suits the needs for your app. You will most likely find yourself wanting to acquire some third party UI controls. For any complex Delphi app, you are not looking at a migration, but a rewrite.
  14. David Schwartz

    TWebBrowser + dynamic JS question

    Sorry, but this is the first time anybody has suggested that there could be a timing issue at work here, and your example certainly wouldn't have uncovered it. I assumed that the OnNavigateComplete2 actually meant that the processing was "complete". I've never had a need to use OnDocumentComplete before, and I've never even seen it used in any examples. But now that you mention it, it makes sense. So I modified my code to call that instead of OnNavigationComplete2 and it seems to be returning what I'm looking for. YES! THANK YOU!
  15. rvk

    TWebBrowser + dynamic JS question

    You might want to dial down the sarcasme. I'm trying to help you here and with that attitude I'm feeling less and less inclined to do so. With my example I retrieved your search result and got this (this is a snippet just to show you the content is there). <div class="I6vAHd h5RoYd ads-creative">Dr. Lazer is a <b>Baltimore Dentist</b> Dedicated To Quality <b>Dental</b> Care. Financing Available. Patient Focused <b>Dentistry</b>. Top <b>Baltimore Dentists</b>. Advanced Training. Services: Cosmetic <b>dentistry</b>, General <b>dentistry</b>, Porcelain veneers, Teeth whitening, <b>Dental</b> implants, Cosmetic dentures, <b>Dental</b> crowns.</div><ul class="OkkX2d"><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/our-office/ed-lazer-dds/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAHoECA8QBA" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABABGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0RkT0b2u8xR9l7_LEQw9VUouKjzQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Meet Dr. Ed Lazer</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/for-patients/special-offers/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAXoECA8QBQ" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABACGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_2gU3L1cLsoIxMZDy60AJIwH1-G4w&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Special Offers</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/smile-gallery/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoAnoECA8QBg" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABADGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0Eq9nb4XnF90RRE1Ik35kT7kFBQQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Smile Gallery</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/request-appointment/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoA3oECA8QBw" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAEGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_2N4qM3fV1hZgFsH22ko3zEIjVzFQ&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Schedule Appointment</a></li><li><a class="V0MxL" onmousedown="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-mousedown')](this)" ontouchstart="return google.f[this.getAttribute('data-touchstart')](this)" href="https://www.cosmeticdentistbaltimore.com/contact/?TrackNum=410-753-2005" data-ved="2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQpigoBHoECA8QCA" data-touchstart="bez1fd" data-mousedown="LmvwCb" data-arwt="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAFGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_0sMvnrhd-h49qKlc3LKos0K2h67w&adurl=&rct=j&q=">Contact Us</a></li></ul></li><li class="ads-ad" data-hveid="CBAQAA" data-bg="1"><div class="ad_cclk"><a id="n1s0p2c0" style="display: none;" href="https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwia64isiIPkAhVH5HcKHQCGCzoYABAGGgJlZg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoDCdUQXMX66yba6ZIKqfKGC0&sig=AOD64_38aJbvxP_v7qoqtk0s9Byp6f8NQw&rct=j&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj7o4KsiIPkAhVEJlAKHYQZDhMQ0Qx6BAgQEAE&adurl="></a><a class="V0MxL r-ieStqovnU5rk" id="vn1s0p2c0" onmousedown="return google.arwt(this)" ontouchstart="return google.arwt(this)" href="https://www.aspendental.com/dentist/md/dundalk/1401-merritt-blvd" jsl="$t t-r1glFWqNI5A;$x 0;"><h3 class="sA5rQ">Official Aspen Dental | Affordable dentistry‎</h3><br><div class="ads-visurl"> You see that text: Dr. Lazer is a <b>Baltimore Dentist</b> Dedicated To Quality <b>Dental</b> Care. Financing Available. Is that what you are after? (this is from the outerHTML) Yes, it's riddled with javascript and lots of tags. But it's valid HTML with the content provided on screen of the user. If it's not, please provide some text that you did expect. BTW, You do need to read out outerHTML in WebBrowser1DocumentComplete() because the javascript needs time to run. But I assumed you already knew this.