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dummzeuch last won the day on November 10

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1515 Excellent

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

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  1. On the Align toolbar there is a button called "Size to grid". According to the help it "Changes the position and the size of the selected control so that every edge is aligned with its closest line of the design grid." But clicking on it with a control selected that is not a multiple of the grid wide nothing seems to happen. I would have expected it to make the width and height of the control a multiple of the grid size. In contrast, the button called "Align to grid" does both, it moves the button so that all edges are aligned to the grid, so it not only moves the button but also sizes it. This is what according to the description "Size to grid" is supposed to do. So, does "Size to grid" do anything at all? Is this maybe just a problem with my Delphi installation?
  2. That you can't extract the certificate does not mean that you cannot write a new one to the token. Otherwise, how would they create those tokens with a certificate?
  3. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12.2 Toolbars strange behavior

    Hm, that just got me thinking: GExperts has this Editor Toolbar which can be freely configured, using any actions registered in the IDE. This works fine, even in Delphi 11 and 12 where the built in toolbars are broken. Since Embarcadero seems unable to fix their bl***y toolbars, a plugin could just insert a panel at some convenient place - maybe just below the main menu? - and make it a toolbar. Any takers?
  4. dummzeuch

    Naming abbreviations for controls

    GExperts has a Rename Component expert which has two different presets for many component types. No idea where the preset "defaults" comes from, the second one is called "twm" and you can probably guess whose initials these are. (The presets are not covered in the help yet.) I think, cnPack also has a similar functionality but I don't know anything about it.
  5. dummzeuch

    Refactor rename field fails always

    But MMX works differently. It does not really analyze the code but replaces all matching strings within a given scope (e.g. a procedure) rather than identifiers. That's why it can optionally even replace identifiers mentioned in comments. But it can also replace strings that are not the intended identifier.
  6. dummzeuch

    Looking for a certain component

    Maybe it's a TStaticText? That one has got Bevel-options.
  7. dummzeuch

    Uses Clause Manager topic added to the GExperts help

    Added the help button.
  8. dummzeuch

    Resizing Object Inspector Pane in 12.2p2

    Since it works for me and doesn't work for you, this obviously is not a global issue but somehow related to your setup. Maybe you could start by comparing your setups: number of monitors monitor resolution(s) scaling is the IDE on the primary or secondary monitor Did you try different combinations? I have got: 2 Monitors: 3840x2160 scaled to 125% left of primary monitor (-> x coordinates are negative) top above top of primary monitor (-> y coordinates are positive and negative) 1920x1200 not scaled, primary monitor I don't have this effect, regardless on which monitor I put the IDE. (I have lots of other problems with the IDE though. Monitors with different resolutions and scaling are apparently not used by the Embarcadero developers.)
  9. dummzeuch

    Resizing Object Inspector Pane in 12.2p2

    Are we talking about a docked object inspector Window then? I was assuming undocked because you didn't mention other windows docked at the same place. Hm ... testing ... there is a sensible width constraint, but again, rather narrow. What do you actually mean by "narrow"? How many pixels? And is this a scaled monitor?
  10. dummzeuch

    Resizing Object Inspector Pane in 12.2p2

    I wouldn't dare calling you dumb, but I don't have that problem on my installation. I can narrow the object inspector window so much, it becomes unusable. It's probably a difference in hard- or software or different settings.
  11. dummzeuch

    for loop variable value after the loop

    A for loop is not a while loop with inc. the compiler might create code that counts down to zero rather than up, if the variable is not used inside the loop. Edit: Or it might even completely unroll the loop doing away with the variable altogether. But it does not matter: Relying on an undocumented implementation detail is a bad idea, regardless of whether it works or not. The next compiler version or a different compiler e.g. for a different platform might change that detail.
  12. dummzeuch

    How do you shut off the Welcome Page?

    You could remove the corresponding package WelcomePageIDEXxx.bpl and its associated plugins from the IDE's list of Known IDE Packages. Somebody 😉 even wrote a tool for this: https://blog.dummzeuch.de/knownidepackagesmanager-tool/
  13. dummzeuch

    for loop variable value after the loop

    Delphi 12, unit VCL.ComCtrls, method TListColumn.DoChange, line 17287. Probably also in older Delphi versions, I haven't checked. This didn't cause my actual problem though, because it works, even though it is undocumented behavior. Unfortunately I haven't found the cause, just a workaround, but that's enough for now.
  14. dummzeuch

    for loop variable value after the loop

    OK, so that's a bug in the VCL code then.
  15. dummzeuch

    for loop variable value after the loop

    I just came across this code: var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Collection.Count - 1 do if TListColumn(Collection.Items[I]).WidthType <= ColumnTextWidth then Break; Changed(I <> Collection.Count); WriteCols; end; Is it just me or does anybody else think this is wrong? Or is the value of a for loop variable after a loop explicitly defined nowadays? I always thought that's compiler dependent and should not be relied on.