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tag as String

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8 minutes ago, Zakaria said:

how add property tagString to all delphi Compememet

If you want to be able to edit this new property in the IDE Object Inspector I don't see a way to do this since it would require not only a change of the source code of the TComponent class but also a rebuild of all design and run-time packages that use TComponent, and you do not have the source code for all of them, as far as I know.


If using this property in code would be enough there may be a way to fake it using a class helper for TComponent that uses the existing Tag property to store an index of the actual string held in some global container, like a TStringlist.

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@PeterBelow It is even possible to inject new properties to the Object Inspector. In Cmon.DataSense.Design.pas I use this technique to add a DataSource and DataField property to supported controls. The additional data is stored in a special component (TDataSense) using a dictionary internally:

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3 hours ago, Zakaria said:

how add property tagString to all delphi Compememet

The first step is to re-think whatever series of choices led to this abysmal state.

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7 hours ago, Zakaria said:

how add property tagString to all delphi Compememet

You can't add a new property to all components.  But, the existing Tag property is a NativeInt, so it can hold a String (which is just a pointer under the hood), eg:

var tagStr: NativeInt := 0;
String(Pointer(tagStr)) := SomeString;
SomeComponent.Tag := tagStr;


var tagStr := SomeComponent.Tag;
SomeString := String(Pointer(tagStr));

Just make sure you release the String properly before the Component is destroyed, eg:

var tagStr := SomeComponent.Tag;
String(Pointer(tagStr)) := '';


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17 minutes ago, Remy Lebeau said:

You can't add a new property to all components.  But, the existing Tag property is a NativeInt, so it can hold a String (which is just a pointer under the hood), eg:

var tagStr: NativeInt := 0;
String(Pointer(tagStr)) := SomeString;
SomeComponent.Tag := tagStr;


var tagStr := SomeComponent.Tag;
SomeString := String(Pointer(tagStr));

Just make sure you release the String properly before the Component is destroyed, eg:

var tagStr := SomeComponent.Tag;
String(Pointer(tagStr)) := '';


What could possibly go wrong

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This might be an even worse idea.... 

{$IFDEF Win64}
type TBadIdea = array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
{$IFDEF Win32}
type TBadIdea = array [0..3] of AnsiChar;

function ReadTagString(Tag: NativeInt): String;
  BadIdea: TBadIdea absolute Tag;
  Result := string(BadIdea);

function WriteTagString(Tag: String): NativeInt;
  BadIdea: TBadIdea absolute Result;
  for var i := 1 to SizeOf(NativeInt) do
    if i <= Length(Tag) then
      BadIdea[i-1] := AnsiChar(Tag[i])
      BadIdea[i-1] := #0;

procedure TFormEvenWorse.btnSetClick(Sender: TObject);
  Tag := WriteTagString(edtValue.Text);
  edtValue.Text := '';

procedure TFormEvenWorse.btnReadClick(Sender: TObject);
  edtValue.Text := string(ReadTagString(Tag));



There should be better handling of Ansi vs Unicode strings. Technically if you are only going to store characters you could make more efficient use of the bytes. 

Edited by Jim McKeeth

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17 hours ago, Uwe Raabe said:

@PeterBelow It is even possible to inject new properties to the Object Inspector. In Cmon.DataSense.Design.pas I use this technique to add a DataSource and DataField property to supported controls. The additional data is stored in a special component (TDataSense) using a dictionary internally:

This is the right answer. You can see an example of this when you put a component on a TRelativePanel. Notice how there are additional properties after Width in the Object Inspector...



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If the OP would explain the original motivation behind this, then we could propose proper solutions to the actual problem. 


This is a canonical XY question. 

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42 minutes ago, Jim McKeeth said:

This might be an even worse idea.

Very bad idea. ReadTagString() is not so bad, but IDK what WriteTagString() is trying to accomplish. It is converting characters into bytes, completely ignoring the pointer that is inside the string. It is not the inverse of ReadTagString().

Edited by Remy Lebeau

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33 minutes ago, Remy Lebeau said:

IDK what WriteTagString() is trying to accomplish. It is converting characters into bytes, completely ignoring the pointer that is inside the string.




Convert the string into an array of AnsiChar, which is just an array of bytes, which is absolute to a NativeInt....

type TBadIdea = array [0..7] of AnsiChar;

So there is no pointer....




It is bytes all the way down....

Edited by Jim McKeeth

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I think the best way is to have a singleton, that initialized very early in the project (preferably right after MM and before forms), this singleton will hook TComponent.Create and Destroy, grabbing its address (value/pointer) and add it to internally managed list, this list have the component associated with an extra data, extra data could be a string, integer, record.. and even classes.


This will solve/remove the need to manually managing this extra data (eg. string), also ensure memory integrity for this extra data without interfering with the associated component in anyway, on top of that helper(s) for specific components can be used for easier and simplified use.

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I sometimes need to use the "Tag" property to store a string, and I've noticed that the number of instances and changes are minimal so I could store them in memory during the application lifetime. That's why I've opted with a global singleton which:

  1. Returns a string object when asked, and keeps the instance in memory while the application is running
  2. Releases every instances once the application is closed

Even if this is not an optimal solution, this is the "cleanest" way I could think of at the time. Something like:


uses Spring.Collections;

// ...

type TStrObj = class(TObject)
    FValue: string;
    constructor Create(const aValue: string = '');
    property Value: string read FValue write FValue;
type FStrObjects: IList<TStrObj>;

// ...

constructor TSomeSingleton.Create();
  FStrObjects := TCollections.CreateObjectList<THndStrObj>(True);

function TSomeSingleton.GetStringObject(const aValue: string): TStrObj;
  // Create the object
  Result := TStrObj.Create(aValue);
  // Add it to the list

// ...

// Usage:
SomeComponent.Tag := NativeInt(Pointer(TSomeSingleton.GetStringObject('Some String Value')));


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