There are a few things that every single one of our internal programs should do:
Every dialog should be sizeable if it makes any sense at all. Delphi makes that easy with the Align and Anchor properties. Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer any of them with Yes, ...
Exit, Break, and Continue all seem to me to be structured GOTOs. They interrupt the flow, but in a well ordered way. Well, at least when used properly, it is well ordered.
Not only IT-designers. It's designers <period>. Show me an unusable product and in 90% it will turn out that it was perfectly usable when the engineers finished. And then the designers ruined it.
There used to be a credo "form follows function", but today it's "it doesn't matter whether it works, let's make it flashy."
IDE tooling does not work properly and some of it completely stops,
Also inline variables of a managed type are not always properly initialized.
As much as I like this feature syntax wise - I would stay away from it for now 😞