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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/19 in Posts

  1. Dave Nottage

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    ..or not declare vars inline 🙂
  2. Sherlock

    CDATA CSV Component

    But I do hope it's either free, or very inexpensive. Importing CSV is far from being magic. It's more like splitting a String into a TStringlist and trying some StrToInt or StrToFloat... Otherwise, try looking into these threads from the mother ship https://www.delphipraxis.net/51457-csv-editor.html https://www.delphipraxis.net/158355-csvviewer-zum-betrachten-von-csv-dateien.html
  3. Angus Robertson

    CDATA CSV Component

    I wrote the CSV component 20 years ago before TStringlist got more fancy. Angus
  4. Sherlock

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    @Mark Williams I'm genuinely surprised that Error Insight is working for you apart from inline variables. Apart from small (very small) projects this has never been the case for me since they introduced it, back in the day. So I guess...lucky you. I have to disable it every time I install Delphi. *sigh*
  5. Darian Miller

    New Inline variables mess up IDE

    Best choice for me
  6. ertank

    CDATA CSV Component

    Hello, You did not clarify if you need FMX or VCL or both in your question. I am using SMImport, SMExport suite from http://www.scalabium.com for years. Never had the need to look for another solution. They are VCL only.
  7. John Kouraklis

    SVG Magic released

    @jeanmilost One question comes to mind...why is this not a FMX component? As someone who is trying to do some cross-platform work in Delphi, many times I feel the second-class relative here
  8. PeterBelow

    Marking of the main form in a multiform VCL Application

    If you want to submit a feature request please do so on quality.embarcadero.com. Posting such requests here has no effect other than spawning endless discussions which serve no purpose, IMO, since this is often mostly about a purely personal preference.
  9. David Schwartz

    Injecting Pascal into PHP?

    If you're feeling ambitious, you could write an ObjectPascal interpreter that runs on Apache and acts similar to php. The challenge with that is there are elements in Delphi that have syntax and semantics that only apply to compiled code. An interpreted version of Delphi would need to be a little different. TMS Software has an interpreter that supports both BASIC and ObjectPascal syntax that you could probably use as a base for something. There's also DWScript, as was mentioned earlier. The problem with apps like WP and Drupal is they have not been written (historically speaking) in a very object-oriented manner, due to a bias lots of php coders have against OOP, believing it slows down execution time. Last I checked, Python was much slower than php (and fully OOP), yet it's use is growing extremely fast, so I guess execution speed is more of a religious issue than anything else. Then you've got all of the weird ways people do things OOP-wise with php code that would make most serious Delphi, C++, and C# coders gag.
  10. Typo and for whatever reason it does not let me edit it. Edit: now it worked, fixed If you can prove that checking i for 0 impacts performance any negatively then sure go for your version. My point still stands regardless.
  11. For only 200 values you would have to be running your algorithm many times a second in order to detect any differences. I would simply put all the values in an indexed array and every time you update a value, simply check it against the previous lowest value. Then save its index and update the lowest value if necessary. Whether this is practical or not depends on how many threads are simultaneously updating the values, how long the algorithm takes to run, and what the intervals are between iterations of the algorithm. I have no idea whether this is the fastest way to do it, but it is simple, and for 200 items, as I said, I would not care if it took a few microseconds longer. If microseconds are really important to you, then it is essential to test and measure, not guess; so you must ignore my advice.
  12. PeterBelow

    Passing back a string from an external program

    A fairly simple method is to pass a window handle to program2 on the command line an then have that program sent its result back in a WM_COPYDATA message to that window. Only caveat: program1 must not wait on program2 to finish in a manner that blocks message processing of the main thread.