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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/19 in Posts

  1. Back in Feb 2019, I blogged about the need for a Package Manager for Delphi. The blog post garnered lots of mostly useful feedback and encouragement, but until recently I could never find a solid block of time to work on it. Over the last few weeks I've been working hard to get it to an mvp stage. https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/introducing-dpm-a-package-manager-for-delphi
  2. Sherlock

    Develop with IOS emulator

    You need a Mac. the simulator is part of XCode, which only runs on a Mac.
  3. Do you often use Overloaded methods or you try to avoid them? I keep getting into this dilemma, especially because I want to use Overload instead of unique method names, but eventually overloaded methods become too complex. For example: Let's say we have TaskScheduler class and it needs methods to add tasks, and here how it started: TTaskAction = (taNa, taExecuteNow, taExecuteDelayed, taQueueTaskOnly...); procedure AddTask(aAction: TTaskAction; aTask: TTask); overload; // Execute aTask immeditaly procedure AddTask(aAction: TTaskAction; aTask: TTask; aExecDateTime: TDateTime; aAllowImmediateExec: boolean); overload; // Execute aTask at set date time procedure AddTask(aAction: TTaskAction; aTask: TTask; aQueueOnly: boolean); overload; // Put aTask to Queue and wait for execution this looks good, but as soon as you start adding more info for each TTaskAction, it become a mess because some parameters get passed empty, depending on which TTaskAction is being used for. This is easy solved if I use AddImmediateTask, AddDelayedTask and AddTaskToQueue methods. Then no mess. Any recommendations how to approach this or should I just use overloaded methods for very simple cases?
  4. Yup, or for readability (10+ years later) add it as a last parameter with a default value.
  5. Rollo62

    Develop with IOS emulator

    TLDR; Thats probably a little outdated. I meant the official docwiki, which is showing all necessary steps. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/IOS_Mobile_Application_Development Edit: Especially interesting for the mobile development is the platform status, regarding OS versions and simulators http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/PlatformStatus/en/Main_Page
  6. Rollo62

    Develop with IOS emulator

    I would recommend to use a real device as well, because the simulators are normally much different, especially if you go deeper into the mobile functionality. Even if the latest simulators would be supported by Delphi. You shouldn't be too much suprised if your app is running well in a simulator but might crash in the real world. Maybe the simulator is still OK if you only do some very basic and standard controls and nothing else.
  7. Sherlock

    Develop with IOS emulator

    Well you don't need the Mac physically. You can rent a Mac in a cloud for example here: https://www.macincloud.com/
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Blogged : Introducing DPM - a Package Manager for Delphi

    Looks very promising! Haven't examined this PM yet but definitely will give it a try. Quick notes on what I'd like to see in PM (probably they're implemented already): - Option to choose global (configurable path that will be added to IDE Library path) or local (inside the project folder, within configurable subfolder, path will be added to project Search path) installation - Packing the whole project with deps, with choice whether include global deps or not - Some kind of Delphinus support, maybe just a config converter from Delphinus to DPM - Installing from an archive from Internet, this way GitHub repos could be used as well. Installer should check archive's Last-Modified and don't download it if it wasn't changed
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    SChannel TLS - perform TLS communication with WinAPI

    Fixed plenty issues and added some helpers to circumvent SChannel bug. ICS socket handles it internally and transparently.
  10. Dave Nottage

    Simple Android App Template

    I can help particularly with this part if you're interested.
  11. limelect

    Simple Android App Template

    Just a suggestion Have a look at many fmx projects it mite help https://github.com/FMXExpress/Cross-Platform-Samples
  12. Except it's kingly slow and the queue will be processed right after the job is finished, also replaying every mouse / keyboard event happened meanwhile the loop was running.