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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/20 in Posts

  1. Dave Nottage

    iOS Firebase Push Notifications

    Whoops! Yeah, I actually discovered that after my comment on the report. I've now updated it. Please refer to my comments on the report: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-18329
  2. I too am a Consolas guy.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Best way to refresh static data

    Why so complicated? Dump DOCS_TABLE and rebuild it from scratch - assuming you actually have access to the server. Otherwise you have to work with the data available in DOCS_TABLE anyway.
  4. A.M. Hoornweg

    Why can't I install this monospaced font in Delphi ?

    Currently "Consolas" and "Source Code Pro" are my favorites.
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    Probably you could look at UniGui as well
  6. Ian Branch

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    I have used TF for several years and it has been taken up by a couple of my Customers. All with good success. As indicated, in your source there is only the need to add one line of code. The rest of the magic is in the installation & setup of TF. Using D10.x.x, I have experienced issues with themeing via TF so I have disabled it for TF based Apps. Not a big issue as far as I am concerned. HTH. Ian
  7. I was not talking about making classes for UI controls but exposing your dataobjects in a way that you can bind them in some way to the UI. Personally I don't like LiveBindings that much - and I gave up on some MVVM-ish approach for Delphi. What works kinda well is going the DB aware approach with datasets (can use things like the TObjectDataSet from Spring4D or other similar ones - DevArt for example has also one) that just are adapters to non dataset/database data such as lists of objects. There are other approaches such as my TTreeViewPresenter that connects an IObjectList from Spring4D to a TVirtualStringTree to display and even edit data.
  8. Larry Hengen

    Thinfinity VirtualUI - cloud-based conversion

    I downloaded and tried a development version and it was as advertised. I think I had to change 1 line of code and voila....a browser based version. That said, if you do some things like host an ActiveX, or WPF control in your app then it's not quite so straightforward. For a smaller application it is certainly a solution that beats redevelopment as a web app. I don't think hosting a large app is a good long term solution due to the server resources required, but it's certainly worth some investigation.
  9. Fr0sT.Brutal

    In-App Clipboard

    My crystal ball is too tired to guess what OP wants 🙂
  10. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Dynamic creation of SQL queries

    SQL Framework (part of HTML Library bundle) is designed for creating, parsing and modifying SQL queries based on database schema. You can easily add new field from existing or new table, change order/group parts, convert where conditions to joins, add/remove where conditions and much more. Please check https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/SQLLibrary.pdf