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  1. I am using latest CE. If I open a file without BOM in Delphi, which was saved from VS Code, it is interpreted wrongly as ANSI. Changes to project options would go into the the .dproj file which I do not want to rely on. And further, I do not want to rely on the configuration of the IDE, when I come to another machine and check out a project. It is good thing if code reading ini files can cope with a BOM. Whether you want your files to have a BOM may be determined by factors that have nothing to do with ini files.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Highlight a specific popup menu item?

    The way you are using SetMenuItemInfo() and HiliteMenuItem() in the DropdownMenuShow() method will not work. You are calling them after TPopupMenu.Popup() has exited. Popup() is a blocking method, it does not exit until the popup menu has been dismissed. The TPopupMenu.OnPopup event is fired while Popup() is running. However, upon further review, OnPopup is fired BEFORE the menu is made visible, and TPopupMenu may recreate the menu AFTER OnPopup has been called and BEFORE the menu is actually shown. So, your best bet is likely to subclass the TPopupList window so you can intercept the WM_ENTERMENULOOP message, then customize your menu items at that point. For example: type TPopupListEx = class(TPopupList) protected procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; end; procedure TPopupListEx.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; if (Message.Msg = WM_ENTERMENULOOP) and (Message.WParam = 1) then begin // customize pmTest items as needed... end; end; initialization Popuplist.Free; //free the "default", "old" list PopupList := TPopupListEx.Create; //create the new one // The new PopupList will be freed by // finalization section of Menus unit. end.
  3. David Schwartz

    where to find Konopka Components for Rio?

    Sheesh ... for anybody else looking for this ... they renamed it to "Bonus KSVC" within GetIt.
  4. later I'll publish a blog full of tips how to create highly scalable Indy, WebBroker, Soap, Firedac, Windows, Linux servers. A lot of utilities with Webbroker CRUD/REST helpers.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    Finalization section not called unless main form shown

    The TApplication.MainForm property is set by TApplication.CreateForm() only after the first TForm object is fully constructed. So no, the MainForm property will not have been assigned yet in the OnCreate event of any TForm object that is created before, or during, the first call to TApplication.CreateForm().
  6. Remy Lebeau

    Finalization section not called unless main form shown

    The MainForm is established by the first call to TApplication.CreateForm(). Changing the project options simply changes the default code that calls CreateForm() in the main .dpr file. If there is no MainForm assigned when Application.Run() is called, Run() simply exits immediately.
  7. dummzeuch

    Problem with Enhance IDE dialogs

    Fixed it. If you recompile your DLL with the current sources the problem will be gone.