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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/20 in all areas

  1. Daniel

    IDE Fixpack Sydney

    A free license was offered multiple times and is clearly not the limiting aspect here.
  2. Anders Melander

    Hints and ShowHint

    Yes of course and it does but ShowHint controls if the control supplies hint text when the mouse hovers over the control. If it doesn't then it will try to get the hint from the parent control, etc. The help is pretty clear on how it works.
  3. Anders Melander

    Hints and ShowHint

    Don't do that. You're trying to eliminate the symptoms of a problem somewhere else in your application. Hint/ShowHint works just fine. If you manage to "hide" the problem by setting ShowHint=False then you will just have removed the only lead you currently have to the underlying problem. By the way, ShowHint does more than controlling if the control displays hints. It also controls if the child controls display hints - if Child.ParentShowHint=True. You usually set ShowHint=True on the form and then ParentShowHint=True on all child controls. Setting ParentShowHint=True just means that the parent ShowHint value propagates down to the child control. Anyway, what I would do is install MadExcept and configure it to "Instantly crash on buffer overrun". I'm guessing you have a stale pointer or a memory overwrite somewhere.
  4. Mahdi Safsafi

    Hints and ShowHint

    I made a quick test that uses buttons with hints and empty hints ... and it worked just fine on Delphi 10.3. Perhaps the issue is on your Delphi (can you give more details about your version, are you using vcl-style ?,...). Something like this ? procedure CheckEmptyHint(AComponent: TComponent); var LComponent: TComponent; LControl: TControl; begin if (AComponent is TControl) then begin LControl := TControl(AComponent); if LControl.ShowHint and (LControl.Hint = EmptyStr) then Main.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%s has empty hint property.', [AComponent.Name])); end; for LComponent in AComponent do CheckEmptyHint(LComponent); end; // CheckEmptyHint(Application);
  5. Lachlan Gemmell

    Installing JEDI from GetIt in 10.4

    It's all working just fine. Here's what the installer appended to my Delphi Win32 library path C:\Users\Lachlan\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\lib\d27\win32;C:\Users\Lachlan\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDICodeLibraryJCL-3.4\source\include;C:\Users\Lachlan\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDIVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.9\lib\D27\win32;C:\Users\Lachlan\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDIVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.9\common;C:\Users\Lachlan\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\CatalogRepository\JEDIVisualComponentLibraryJVCL-3.9\Resources
  6. Stefan Glienke

    Should Delphi have native interfaces?

    Yeah sure... Good luck with that - there are tons of more frequently asked and easier to design and implement features open for years. I am very certain that Bruneau had the C++ approach in his mind even though he mentioned .NET/Java (which have GC that Delphi does not have) because otherwise memory management would clash. And if I am not totally mistaken after a bit of search you cannot even implement more than one interface per class in C++ - but again my practical C++ experience is many years ago. Now C# and Java can implement multiple interfaces per class and under the hood interfaces are basically the same as classes just that you cannot instantiate them. But the compiler and the runtime know about all that - if you think Embarcadero can pull this off you must be new to the game.
  7. Stefan Glienke

    Should Delphi have native interfaces?

    There is no proposal - there is just a "it would be cool if" without any actual suggestions how something can be achieved. I asked a couple of questions but they have not been answered (or I missed those) that are important to decide if something like event<->interface method binding can be achieved and how it would look like. Currently any assignment of interface methods to an event would break reference counting similar to how anonymous methods can't be assigned to an event. One is a managed type, the other is a record with 2 raw pointers. Now we could all list stuff that would be cool to have without actually evaluating if that is technically possible - but to me that would be just a waste of time I could spend more productive.
  8. You can use MARS with Community Edition. Some examples depend on some FireDAC units which belong to higher edition.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    10.4 has an update to Bookmarks and Navigator. It creates C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared and places ParnassusBookmarks_XSydney.dll ParnassusCoreEditor_XSydney.dll ParnassusNavigator_XSydney.dll So, to cure the 10.3 ailments, copy from C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\CatalogRepository\ to the first mentioned common catalog Bookmarks-1.0\ParnassusBookmarks.dll to ParnassusBookmarks_XRio.dll ParnassusCoreEditor-1.0\ParnassusCoreEditor.dll to ParnassusCoreEditor_XRio.dll Navigator-1.0\ParnassusNavigator.dll to ParnassusNavigator_XRio.dll
  10. Anders Melander

    How to use Open Street Maps with Delphi - cross platform?

    Amen! https://killedbygoogle.com/
  11. You may need a license to use Google Maps, while Open Street Map is free, you can even host your own map server. Also, I would rather trust in OSM than Google that they keep their service available and the APIs mostly unchanged. (Just remember why this forum exists. G+ anybody?)