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  1. Remy Lebeau

    Why do these 2 statments produce different results ?

    '#$02' (w/ quotes) is a string literal consisting of 4 distinct characters: '#', '$', '0', '2'. The string you are searching, 'bla,bla,#$02,bla', contains that 4-char substring in it, hence the result is > 0. #$02 (w/o quotes) is a single Char whose numeric value is 2. The string you are searching does not contain that character in it, hence the result is 0.
  2. Anders Melander

    Interlocked API and memory-mapped files

    Okay, here you go. Source and simple demo attached. Usage: Producer var FRingBuffer := TSharedMemoryRingBuffer.Create('FooBar', 1024*1024); // 1Mb ... // String FRingBuffer.Enqueue('Hello world'); // Raw bytes var Buffer: TBytes; ... FRingBuffer.Enqueue(Buffer); Consumer var FRingBuffer := TSharedMemoryRingBuffer.Create('FooBar', 1024*1024); // 1Mb ... // Strings while (True) do begin // Just remove the WaitFor to use polling instead if (FRingBuffer.WaitFor(100) = wrSignaled) then begin var s. string; if (FRingBuffer.Dequeue(s)) then ...do something with string... end; ... end; // Raw bytes while (True) do begin // Just remove the WaitFor to use polling instead if (FRingBuffer.WaitFor(100) = wrSignaled) then begin var Buffer: TBytes; if (FRingBuffer.Dequeue(Buffer)) then ...do something with buffer... end; ... end; amSharedMemory.pas SharedMemory.zip
  3. David Schwartz

    strange problem with psftp lib

    Well, I put the lime in the coconut and ... oh ... I mean ... I put the DLL in the folder with the EXE and ... it worked. I thought I'd done that earlier, but it somehow snuck into the folder next door.
  4. Tired of all those programs which install lots of additional stuff I have been using more and more so called “Portable Apps”. “Portable” in this context means: You can put them anywhere, even on a portable storage device and start them from there. These Programs are still Windows only. And of course nobody prevents you from putting them in a folder on the system harddisk, usually c:\PortableApps. All files these programs need are inside this one folder, so in order to move or copy them, you simply move/copy that folder. There is a dedicated launcher and updater for these types of programs at portableapps.com, which is written in Delphi btw. and the source code is available. One thing that has irked me all the time is that these programs don’t show up in the Windows start menu, unless I add them manually, which I usually don’t. Today I had enough and wrote PortableAppsToStartMenu, a tool which given a PortableApps directory collects all the executables stored there and creates shortcuts in the Windows Start Menu for them. Read on in the blog post.
  5. Because of 4 way swap, highly tuned implementation could still be cool. https://github.com/scandum/quadsort
  6. Anders Melander

    Batch Reading Emails from Windows Explorer

    Outlook msg files are COM Structured Storage files in the CFB3 (Compound File Binary) format. Here's file file format specification: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc463912.aspx You can use the IStorage interface to load the file (via IStream) but you will need to locate and extract the desired properties manually. You can find tons of code on the net that shows how to do that and I think the above specs contains the names of the properties. I also think the last version of the Drag and Drop Component Suite I released even contained some code that did it. AFAIR there's also an OpenIMsgOnIStg API function that can do some of the work for you but I think it might require that Outlook is installed.
  7. Remy Lebeau

    Any luck using 10.4.1 on Windows 8.1?

    Support for OSX 64-bit was introduced in 10.3.2: https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2019-july-building-mocOS64-apps-delphi.html Support for Android 64-bit was introduced in 10.3.3: https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2019-delphi-android-64bit-rad-1033.html
  8. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6424510/removing-a-from-delphi-string
  9. const STX=#$02; isn't the same as const STX='#$02';
  10. David Schwartz

    compiler setting issue?

    Well, that's at the top of the 2 files with this code in it, so it looks like the culprit. I'll give it a try. Yup, that solved it. Thanks!
  11. FPiette

    compiler setting issue?

  12. Remy Lebeau


    Ideally yes. Or, you can just reset the variables locally before CoUninitialize() is called (don't forget to clear the PROPVARIANT, too), eg: var Store: IPropertyStore; v: PropVariant; InitHr: HResult; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin InitHr := CoInitialize(nil); if FAILED(InitHr) and (InitHr <> RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) then OleError(InitHr); try OleCheck(SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(PChar(OpenDialog1.FileName), nil, GPS_READWRITE, IPropertyStore, store)); try OleCheck(store.GetValue(PKEY_Music_AlbumTitle, v)); try if v.vt = VT_EMPTY then Showmessage('Album Title not found') else Showmessage(v.bstrVal); finally PropVariantClear(v); // <-- add this end; finally store := nil; // <-- calls Release() end; finally if SUCCEEDED(InitHr) then CoUninitialize; end; end; end; However, Co(Un)Initialize() really should not be called more than 1 time per thread. For instance, in this case, they should be called at program startup/cleanup only, eg: private InitHr: HResult; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InitHr := CoInitialize(nil); if FAILED(InitHr) and (InitHr <> RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) then OleError(InitHr); end; procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if SUCCEEDED(InitHr) then CoUninitialize; end; // the above would be better handled by moving Co(Uninitialize)() into // the main DPR directly, before TApplication is initialized, and after // TApplication.Run() is finished, respectively... ... procedure TMainForm.DoSomething; var Store: IPropertyStore; v: PropVariant; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin OleCheck(SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(PChar(openDialog1.FileName), nil, GPS_READWRITE, IPropertyStore, store)); OleCheck(store.GetValue(PKEY_Music_AlbumTitle, v)); try if v.vt = VT_EMPTY then Showmessage('Album Title not found') else Showmessage(v.bstrVal); finally PropVariantClear(v); // <-- still needed end; end; end;